Chapter 7

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Ifelt my wolf slowly gaining consciousness again. He was getting mad.Amber screamed in pain and I grimaced as he pushed the burning cigaragainst her skin again. She wriggled away, trying to get out of hisreach somehow. I was gripping the bars so tightly I knew theywould've broken had my wolf been awake.

Edgarwas pissed off. Amber had bitten him in the leg so he was limpingaround. Finally he grabbed her by her hair and tied her to the chair.

Hetook a hit off of it and smirked at me. I snarled at him.

Thesmirk didn't leave his face, "Oh don't worry. I can't killher yet. I have to teach my son some things once he gets back. He hasto impress the vampires when they get here so they will change himlike they changed me."

Shegrowled, "You're an ass-hole."

Heshrugged still smirking, "Just a little bit." He started walkingtowards the door.

Shesaid, "Wait!" He stopped and looked back at her, glancing at meon the way.

Hesaid, "What, Mutt?" Her head was still being held high and Icould see the flash in his eyes as he realized this too.

Sheasked, "Why are you doing this?"

Hissmirk returned, "Ah-ha that is a good question."

Shesaid dryly, "Then answer it." He smacked her, her head flippingto the side. She yelped making my wolf snarl at him again. She waslike my little sister. She had been my friend since Cedric broughther home twelve years ago. I have loved her since and it made mehappy to know she found her mate. However, it pissed me off that itwas Griffin.

Hesaid, "Don't talk to me in that tone of voice." She turned herhead back and spat blood out on the floor. Then she raised her headagain. And for once, she didn't look confident. I realized whyshortly after.

Thiswas just like her life before our pack. She hadn't been confidentuntil she became a wolf. It took 6 years to convince her that she wasloved and wanted. And now, it seemed gone. 6 years for her to getconfidence and only an hour for her to lose it.

Hesaid, "Well, I know that you would never actually love Griffin. Noone would. He is ugly and despicable. I don't even understand howhe took so much after his mother. She was dead by the time he wasten."

Sheyelled angrily, "It is you no one could love. Griffin is amazingand I'm glad he is my mate!" It shocked me. He smacked her hardacross the cheek. The sound echoed.

Itstartled me: not the slap, the yell. She never yelled. I hadn'tever seen her as angry as she was right now. I had seen her mad butshe was always calm and collected. Now though, she was scaring me.Not to mention that Griffin hated her. He even called her an it.

Shelaunched out of the chair, shifting in the air and tackling Edgar.She bit at his neck but he moved last second so she got his shoulder.She shook wildly reminding me of a real wolf. Now Edgar was the onecrying in pain. He shoved her making her take his skin with her. Shespat the chunk out and he kicked her in the side. She whimpered andfell on her side, getting up quickly. I realized I was yelling out toAmber, telling her things to do.

Irealized I was bending the bars. My wolf was back. I froze though asGriffin suddenly slipped into the room, holding a gun. He stared atthe scene of them fighting a moment in shock. Then he lifted the gun,pointing it straight at them. I began pushing the bars apart faster.He was going to shoot her!

Ileapt out of the cell once the hole was big enough and ran towardshim, ignoring the pain in my leg. I tackled him and the gun slid outof his hands. I punched him as he looked shocked before scramblingtowards the gun. Griffin tackled me away before I could and picked itup. I got up, ready to kill him when I was grabbed by someone. Istruggled until I noticed it was my brother. I snarled at him, pissedoff that he trusted this guy.

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