Chapter 26

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Sam's POV
I felt cold. I felt like I was hollow inside. I couldn't feel anything inside my body or outside except for the fact that I was cold. Dylan. He was all I could think about. I needed to pray for him. God please help me. Please help Dylan. Give him comfort and peace. And please help him find me. I'm so scared. Also please help Henleigh. Lord, I love her so much and she's my best friend. Give her comfort. Help Lucas. I know how much Henleigh means to him even though he won't admit it. Please just remain sovereign through this entire journey. I love you, in your name I pray, Amen.
"SAM! Sam please wake up. Please come on. Pull through. You can do it. SAM!"
Who was screaming my name? Max. Max!
"Max" I groaned groggily.
"Yeah yeah it's me. Come on we have to get you out of here."
"Max wait," I softly touched his arm, "I feel cold. Wait. Have I been shot?" Max looked at me like a lost puppy. "Max? Just tell me."
"Yes. You've been shot twice in the abdomen, and you've lost quite a bit of blood. You're gonna be okay though. I'm gonna get you out of here."
"How are we gonna get out of here with all the men?"
"They're gone." That's all he said. That they were gone. Did he kill them? Did I kill them? Did they kill them selves? All I remember is hearing shots fired and falling backwards. My head ached and I felt light headed all at the same time. As I was being lifted up and carried out of the room, I realized something. I want Dylan. More than ever before, I want him. I need him to come get me. I need him to get me out of here. For now, I'd just have to settle for Max. He lifted me up into a black Tahoe and put me in the back seat. There was another guy back there. Looking as though he'd been waiting for me.
"Alright Sam, this is Nathan. He's one of your brother and I's friend. He's gonna stay with you back here to try and keep you awake." I had no time to protest the situation. I needed a hospital. The last thing I saw before I blacked out was the neon red lights spelling out "Hospital."

Nathan's POV
Wow. This girl was beautiful. I smiled a warm smile, glad I was the one sitting back here and not Max. How is it even possible that a girl who just went through almost 2 weeks of torture and captivity still looks this good? I don't have time to worry about that right now. I need to focus on keeping her awake otherwise I'll never get the chance to ask her out. "Hi I'm Nathan." She looked at me in a daze.
She barely managed a groan. "Hi" I tried carrying on numerous conversations, but nothing seemed to keep her awake.
"Talk to her about Dylan." Max hollered from the front seat. Dylan? Who the heck is Dylan?
"Umm tell me about Dylan?" I asked awkwardly.
"Dylan!" That snapped her right out of her daze. "Dylan is incredible and kind and I'm in  love with him." That's all she said. That she loved him. Dang there goes my chance, but then again I'm the one who's rescuing her, so I'm definitely still in the running. What has this Dylan kid done to help her at all? I've been working through the different tala ban groups and traveling 17 states looking for this certain group and their leader. No way a girl could resist that. Especially not a girl who would barely be awake enough to remember any of it. I guess I'd just have to "re-jog" her memory.

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