Painful Memories

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Marshall's POV:

After giving Nate a black eye, cut lip and broken nose I run over and untie Gumball. "Gummy, are you alright?" "Marshall it hurts. It hurts everywhere." He was crying. "Oh I'm sorry Gummy. I help him get dressed and gave him my jacket since his shirt and jacket was ripped. I picked him up bridal style. "Let's go home."


Gumball's POV:

I woke up with a heavy pain in my lower back. It ached in pain. Once I gained consciousness the flow of memories rush through my mind. Painful memories. From not only from last night but from my childhood. I'm breaking. Cracking and trapped in reality. I have a slight relief that Marshall was the one to save me. But he can't save me forever. I will be trapped, tortured, and facing reality on my own forever.

My eyes fluttered open and I turn my head to the side to see Marshall laying his head on the bed sleeping. I'm sorry Marshall. I'm sorry I had to put you through this. This is all my fault. "I'm sorry." "What Gummy." I just woke him up. Oh no. What do I do? I'm already awake but I'm shaking. I can't control it. He leans in and touches my wrist. The same wrist that guy, Nate or whatever his name is, grabbed. I yanked it out of Marshall's touch and held it close to my chest. I don't want to be afraid of Marshall but I'm just...stuck. I'm confused. I don't want to cause Marshall any harm. I don't want to drag him in my shitty life. What am I going to do?

Marshall's POV:

Gumball yanked his hand away when I tried to touch his wrist. All I wanted was to calm him down. Is he mad at me? I really didn't mean to take him to that party. I especially didn't want him getting raped by some man whore. I wish I didn't leave him. How stupid could I be? He is literally shaking and it's all my fault. I want to make it up to him. But will he trust me? And what am I going to do to earn the trust that I have lost?

"Hey Gummy, do you want me to make some breakfast for us?" There was silence and then he spoke "No thank you, I'm not hungry." He was still laying down. I'm sorry Gummy. "Do you need anything Gummy?" Another few seconds of silence. "No thank you but thanks anyway." He gave me a fake smile. I want to hug him. And tell him I want to make everything okay. But will I just make him feel more uncomfortable? Will I make him feel worse? Maybe I should leave him alone for today and ask mom to take care of him. I don't want to leave him alone. Not after what happened last night but there is really nothing I can do since it was my fault. "Hey Gummy, I have a few things to do today so Mom will be here. I'll come see you tonight. Okay, bye."

Gumball's POV:

Why is he leaving me alone? I guess it's what I get for dragging him into this. He is probably furious at me. I really didn't mean to leave to go help some stranger, I just wanted to help someone out. What am I going to do?

He stood up and started to leave. He got to my door when I felt the urge for him to stay. He walked out and I sat up and winced at the pain. I stood up and wobbled towards the door. "Don't leave me alone" was the whisper I could make before falling. Marshall rushed into the room. "Gummy are you alright?" "Yea I just fell." He put his arm under my arms and helped me up. "Ouch!" "Gummy what happened are you okay?" "My lower back hurts and my head is throbbing." "Oh Gummy, come on back to bed." He helped me to my bed and laid me down on my side. I felt tired. All of a sudden Marshall was gone and I felt like crying. Then Simone came in and put me on my back. It was cold. She must have put ice on the bed. It felt kind of good and helped out with the pain. Then, she put a wet washcloth on my head. "Hey honey, Marshall had to run a few errands and will be back later." "Mom my head is pounding!" "Yeah it's because you have a slight hangover. But it should be gone later today. Here take these pills, they'll help." "Thank you." "Your welcome, sweetie." I felt my eyes droop down and my eyes were then completely shut. I ventured off into sleep.

Gumball's Dream:

I was running in a black hole. My breath was getting higher and higher and I was running out of air. The black hole turned into colors, many colors, but those colors blurred into flashbacks. My dad, my mom, that guy, Nate, school. But it had one happy thing, Marshall! He was handsome. He picked me up when I was down. Sure some of the memories was of his friends bullying me, but he never hurt me. He never touched me. I couldn't even tell if he was watching. It made my feelings grow stronger for Marshall. Then the dream made a flash and Marshall and I were holding hands, walking through a park. He pushed me on the swing set and we shopped at the mall together. I was really happy! But then my dad, that guy, Nate and Marshall's friends ganged up on us. Marshall was trying to fight back but wasn't strong enough. He was gasping for air. He was dying. I tried to run in front of the gun pointed at his head but was too late. He was gone. My happiness, my sunshine, my everything was gone.

Gumball's POV:

"Gumball! GUMBALL! WAKE UP!" I heard yelling someone was shaking me. I open my eyes to see a concerned Marshall. "Marshall?" I said his name as a tear ran down my cheek. "You're alive?" I whispered. "Yes Gummy and I will never leave your side."

He picked me up bridal style and took me to the roof. It was night and all the stars were out. Marshall's roof was flat and there was a table with 2 chairs. He set me down carefully into one of the chairs. I'm confused. Why did he bring me here? "Gummy, I'm sorry I took you to that party yesterday. I didn't mean to cause you any harm. I know I'm a jerk and I hope you can forgive me." He's apologizing. But why? It was my mistake. Isn't he mad? "It's not your fault. I should have been more careful around strangers. I actually enjoyed the party before that happened." "How could you say it's your fault? I should have warned you about Nate. And I hope you don't hate me." "I don't hate you." I want to say, I love you Marshall and I could never hate you, but those words won't come out. "Gummy?" "Yeah." "I love you." What did he just say. I think I'm imagining things. "Um can you repeat that?" He was blushing. "I love you Gummy!" Before he could say anything else my face heated up and I crashed our lips together. I have kissed people before but it was different with Marshall. There was a spark. We pulled away for breath. "I love you, too, Marshall!"


Well I hope you liked this chapter. I wanted to make it lovey-dovey! But it didn't happen until the end. What do you think about Gumball's dream? Weird, I know, but I really hope you guys did like this chapter.

Question of the Day?
If you had to write a book about anything, what would you write about?

Thank You my readers for reading this fanfiction. And I hope you guys will like, comment and share! I really like getting feed back and you won't be a bitch if you comment mistakes. Well talk to you guys next week! Bye!

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