Date Night|Uneditted

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Gumball's POV:

I continued to stare at the child and that's when I had thought of the perfect name. It was weird but it was my moms grandpas name. He was always there for me and played with me and my sister and cared for us with so much love. He had passed away when I was young, around 4, and I would like to use his name in return for his happiness towards my mom, my sister and I.

"Have you thought of a name for our little boy?" Marshy asked. Everyone in the room wiped a few of their stray tears as so did I. Blake was holding Finn's hand when he tried walking towards the bed. Finn walked him over and picked him up when he was by me. Blake was just starting to talk at around a year old which was quite impressive. "Cule baba!" Blake said with a smile as he clapped his hands. It was quite adorable. Everybody awwwed as Finn kissed his head that had light blonde strands.

I then cleared my voice "I have and our little boy's name is going to be...Leonardo Abadeer Gumball." I looked to see Marshy's reaction to see amusement on his face. "It's perfect Gummy." "That's a cute name!" Fionna yelled from across the room and everybody started talking and congratulating us. Marshy kissed the top of my head and held me and our child closer together. We were finally a family, Little Leo, Marshall and I and I was about the happiest person alive.


Gumball's POV:

It was time to go home. I sign the papers to get discharged and Marshall rolls me out of the hospital with our child in our arms.

We make it the car and I noticed a car seat already hooked up and ready for the baby. I decided to ride in the back with the Leo to see feed him.

The ride wasn't that long until we made it to our home. I get shivers from the incident but I brush it off. I'm going to make this house a home for everybody, it will be comforting and calming. Marshall drives up the driveway and parks the car as everybody else parked on the curb.

Marshall opens the back door and helps me out with Leo in my arms. At that moment I remembered that I destroyed the nursery and there was nothing ready for little Leo. "Um...Marshy, where is Leo going to be staying since the nursery was destroyed?" "Don't worry Gummy, I got it covered."

We walk up the steps and into the house that looked like a ruckus. I'll have to clean it later. I step on the first step and feel a wince of pain in my abdomen. Marshy notices and picks me up bridal style and carries me up the stairs. "Dr. Liam said you have to take it easy for a few days and be on bed rest." "But what about the baby?" "Don't worry Gummy, everyone's here to help." Marshy addresses to my family behind us. People would call them close friends but just because we are not blood they treated me like family, so that's what I'm going to do for them.

We reach the top and Marshall leads me to the nursery that was damaged awhile ago. He opens it and my eyes bulge out of my head. It was beautiful. More beautiful than how I did it. The walls were an explosion of colors spiraled together to make galaxies. The black crib with an arc on the back and a black dresser to compliment it. The floor a pure white marble carpet with a star rug. In the crib was wrapped with blue comfortable with a golden star guitar placed in the middle surrounded by music notes. The walls were covered with famous paintings, like my favorite one Starry Night by Van Gogh.

"Surprise!" Everyone yelled and smiled. My lips spread across each cheek making my smile grow more. A few stray tears fell but Marshy kissed them away. He let me down and I walked over to the crib to lay a sleeping Leo in the space bed. I kissed his head good night and felt a wave of fatigue wash over me. Before I lost my balance Marshy picked me up again and lead me to our room and laid me in our bed. And like what I did to Leo he kissed my forehead and said goodnight before leaving the room. As I lay there the darkness soaked in and i took into it.

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