This Place

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Gumball's POV:

I looked around but couldn't find anywhere to hide. I walked a little distance away and found a tree. I was about to climb it when someone grabbed on to me. It put a rag over my mouth and I started to doze off.

What? Why? Why is this happening when I was finally happy? Will Marshall save me? Or is he just going to get rid of me? I can't put him in a situation like this. My eyes closed right before I was put into a car and then the nightmares began!


Marshall's POV:

I turned around from the hard bark my face was pressed against. I walked steadily over to the playground being as quiet as possible. I looked through each slide and each staircase the playground had. I looked around the shrubs and the big trees finding nothing. I look into the torn down bathrooms hoping he would be in there, but he wasn't.

I kept looking for hours it felt like. I double checked everything twice but nothing. No one was around, no adults, no teenagers, no kids, and no Gumball.

I started to panic and scream out his name. My lungs grew tired as I yelled out for him to come out. He wasn't here. Where did he go?

I suddenly remember he had a cellphone. I yanked my cell out of my pocket and dialed Gumball's number as fast as I could. I waited and waited for his cell to answer. I walked around the park with my mind rushing with thoughts when I heard a phone ringing. I run towards the phone and notice it was by a road. I pick up the cell and find my picture on the screen. It was Gumball's. But why is it so close to the road. Where is he now?

Gumball's POV:

I open my eyes to look at the walls I'm all so familiar with. I start to shake. My hands tied above my head on the wall. My feet in shackles chained to the ground. I was stuck.

"Well look who's awake?" I hear that raspy voice and new all to well who it belonged to, the disgusting man I grew up with, my stepfather. More like the devil himself. With that very thought I started to shake even more, the tightness of the handcuffs pained me.

"I finally found you! You know, you have been gone a while, I thought you died, but I guess my toy is back to play!" I look up at him as he smirked. Fear, sadness, painful nightmares were flowing back into me. With all the fear, I haven't noticed a collar like substance around my neck. "Do you see my new toy!" Another devilish smirked was casted upon his face.

He walked over and lifted my chin so my face was facing him. His cold blooded eyes stared deep into mine. More fear crawled through my bones continuing all the way up to my lips as they started to tremble.

"Why did you run away from me bitch?" I kept silent my throat felt tight and in my mind I couldn't form sentences. "I said Why. Did. You. Run. Away. From. Me. Bitch.?" I was still not able to answer. "Fine then be that way." He walked over to a table and grabbed a remote like substance. He turned a nozzle and electricity zoomed through my body. Leading from my neck down and back up to my head. The pain was excruciating. I screamed if you could even call it a scream. It was hourse and my throat ached even more.

I couldn't defend myself or anything. I was once again stuck in this situation that I knew was going to happen again. Where is Marshall? Hasn't he noticed that I have gone missing? Is he even going to search for me? I mean I know we are dating but was I a pain to him, did he even mean to like me like that? How am I going to get out of this situation? Everything hurts.

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