Back To School

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Marshall's POV:

"Hey Gummy are you awake?" "Yes Marshall." "Are you feeling up to going to school tomorrow, I know it has been a week since you have been, I was just wondering if you wanted to go?" "Yea I have to bring my grades up and since I was missing I have a lot to catch up on!" "Alright see you in the morning!" "Goodnight!" I didn't really want to go to school because I would get asked all those questions on why I wasn't there. But I do have to make up my assignments before I get straight Fs in school.


3rd Person POV:

Marshall and Gumball lay deep asleep in bed. Until Simone comes in and yells "Time to get up you two!!!!" Marshall and Gumball both sat up and rubbed their tired eyes.

Gumball POV:

Well I guess it's that time I go back to school. I go into my room and search through the bags from the mall to find an outfit. I decided on a pink t-shirt with black skinny jeans, a black beanie and pink vans. I set my clothes on the bathroom counter as I jump into the shower. After I get out I felt really refreshed. I got dressed and styled my hair in a messy quiff. I head downstairs to find breakfast on the table. I sit down by Marshall and start eating the eggs and bacon that Simone made. It was really good. Then it was time to go. I get in the car and we were off to school. Once we were dropped off I met Fionna by the front gate of the school. "GUMBALL YOU'RE BACK!!!" she yells while jumping in my arms. "Hey Fi." "Why were you gone for so long?" I didn't know what to say and Marshall must have noticed because then he said "He was with me." I felt my face start to heat up. "Marshall what did you do to him!" "Fi, its fine we are friends!" I said with a smile. "Okay as long as your happy!" We then went off to class. I didn't have any classes with Marshall but I had English and Algebra 2 with Fi so I asked for her notes.

After School:

Gumball's POV:

After the final bell rang I headed out of my chemistry class. Science has always been my favorite class and we got to do labs today and it was so much fun. After being lost in thought for a while I come out of my zone to see Marshall's gang approach me. "Hey Gumwad, I see your back in school! Got any money for us?" "No, I haven't been getting paid recently." I said in a whisper tone. "Well then I guess we'll just have to beat you up instead!" My eyes opened wide with fear. Why? Why are they doing this? I don't have anything? All of a sudden I yell for Marshall. "MARSHALL!"

Marshall's POV:

I was talking with my English teacher when I heard someone yell out my name. "Excuse me miss but I have to go." "Okay but you need to turn in your assignments soon!" "Will do ma'am!" I run off and start looking down the halls of the school until I notice my group of guys kicking and punching someone. Nothing unusual until I saw that it was Gumball. I ran over and pushed the guys off. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I was yelling at them. "Oh hey Marshall, Gumwad here didn't have our money so we decided to give him a punishment." "DON'T EVER TOUCH HIM AGAIN!!!" "Tch Marshall when did you turn into a fag?" Then they left. I looked down at Gumball and he was in a ball form. I crouch down and touch his shoulder but he jumps. I pull him into a hug and I feel warm tears dripping down my back. "It's okay Gumball, they won't hurt you anymore." I whisper in his ear. He looks up at me and gives me a small smile "Thank You." He whispered. "It's okay, if you have any other bullies I will be sure to handle them for you." We then got up and we walked out of the school to see Simone in the car. We both hop into the back and look out the window. I feel so bad for him. I mean he has been through so much and on top of that he's getting bullied at school. What am I going to do? I should cheer him up somehow. My band is performing tomorrow night, he should come to get his mind off of things. I'll ask him later when he feels better.

Gumball's POV:

On our way home I looked out the window and into the sky. My arms kind of hurt but it wasn't bothering me that much. I was wondering what I was going to do with my life. I have been tortured, abused, bullied, and alone. Not only that but I have to make up work I missed on at school, which will only get me stressed out. I just need to calm down and make a plan. If I finish everything tonight I will have tomorrow off to relax. I don't like postponing work because then I procrastinate and forget to do it. We reached the house and I told Simone I was going to go work on homework. She said "okay" and I went upstairs to my room. I sat at the desk and started with Algebra 2 because it's my hardest class. Later, Simone came in and gave me a plate of food and said "You better eat something before you starve." "Thank You Mom!" She likes it when I call her mom. I continued to work and it was 11 ó clock when I finished. I put my pajamas on and brushed my teeth. I'm going to try to sleep on my own tonight, I don't want to be a bother and wake up Marshall. I climb into the big bed and doze off to sleep.

The Next Day: Friday Morning

Marshall's POV:

I wonder if Gumball's feeling any better. I want him to come watch my show. I think he'll like it and get stuff off his mind. Then mom started talking, "Hey Marshall did you do something to Gumball?" "No why would I do anything to Gumball he's our guest!" "Well, because he was zoned out a lot on the way home, his eyes were red like he had been crying, then he went to his room and didn't come out at all, and then when I came to give him his dinner he was zoned out in homework. Something happened and I want to know now!" "It wasn't me I swear, i saw Gumball being bullied and I ran over and stopped them then they left. I hope he is feeling okay." "Oh my god I had no idea, I'm going to go check on him." Then she was gone. She comes back about 15 minutes later and says "Gumball should be down soon" "okay".

Gumball's POV:

I was dreaming when I heard the door knob start to turn and I open my eyes to see that it's Simone. I sit up as she enters. "Hey Gumball, how are you doing?" "I'm pretty tired but I'll be fine." "Hey you know if your having trouble at school, I will walk my mad ass down there and put a stop to it!" "No, it's okay, Marshall took care of it." "Okay..." Then she went on for like 10 minutes about defending myself and other things. "Okay thanks mom." "Just be safe sweety!" And then she left. She really does care for me like a mom, I wish my mom was like her. I pick out my clothes and hop in the shower. After the shower I go downstairs and I see Marshall eating I sit by him and start eating my breakfast. Marshall broke the silence, "Hey Gumball, do you want to come to my concert tonight to get your mind off things?"

Hey guys it's Anime_is_life4, aka author, I hope you guys enjoyed the 6th chapter of the book and please like, comment, and share! If you have any ideas of what you want to happen go ahead and comment!

Question of the Week: Who's your favorite Adventure Time character?

My questions of the week most likely won't have anything to do with chapter being posted I just want to get to know my readers better? Anyways see you next week!

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