A Double Date to the Fair

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Gumball's POV:

"Gummy?" "Yeah." "I love you." What did he just say. I think I'm imagining things. "Um can you repeat that?" He was blushing. "I love you Gummy!" Before he could say anything else my face heated up and I crashed our lips together. I have kissed people before but it was different with Marshall. There was a spark. We pulled away for breath. "I love you, too, Marshall!"


Gumball's POV:

I awoke with a smile on my face. Who knew the guy I had a crush on liked me back. I didn't even know he was gay. I'm just glad he chose me.

After the kiss last night he walked me to my room and we said goodnight. I can still feel the warmth of his lips pressed against my dry ones.

"Gumball time to get up!" I hear Simone call out from downstairs. I dragged myself out of bed and out the door. I have no idea what to do. Won't it be awkward to kiss him again? Should I wait for him to kiss me? When was the last time I was in a relationship? Oh yeah I haven't been in one.

Before I could ponder over the situation any longer I feel warmth against my lips and notice that Marshall is in front of me. I kiss back while my cheeks light up and I look like a tomato. We separate from each other for breath. "Good Morning Gummy!" "Good Morning Marshy!" I hear Simone squealing at the bottom of the stairs. I blushed even harder if that was even possible.

"YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER!" Marshall chuckles at Simone's reaction. Well I guess all my concerns are solved.

We walk down the stairs and to the table where Simone serves me a delicious plate of waffles and bacon. It smells so good. I dig in.

"So Gummy, Finn and Phoebus are going on a date to the Fair. Would you like to be my date?" He asking me out on a date! Ahhhhhhhh, I'm so excited. Anyways what's a fair? I have heard people talk about them at school a lot but I was never able to go. "Yeah that sounds like fun." "I know your going to love it, they have new rides!"

After breakfast I go upstairs and grab my phone. I put in the search bar 'what is a fair?' And a bunch of pictures comes up of rides I'm guessing. It really does look like fun. I look at people's clothing and they are wearing shorts and tanks with tennis shoes. I wonder if it's going to be hot outside today? I look up the weather and it says 89 degrees. I grab some light blue shorts, a pink tank and pink converse.

I go to my bathroom and take off my clothes. I saw my reflection in the mirror and my scars and bruises are still visible. I can't simply wear a tank top and shorts knowing scars are on my shoulders and thighs. I switch my clothes for a maroon t-shirt with pink around the neck and sleeves that says yolo in the middle. I also grab the same shade of pink capris. I decided to switch out the shoes as well, it would be way too much pink, and got maroon converse. I put my new clothes along with some fresh boxers on the bathroom counter. I hop into the shower and use a new shampoo and conditioner that smelled like vanilla. Oh how I love the smell of vanilla.

I get out of the shower and dry myself off Once I'm dry I put my clothes on. I styled my hair in my usual messy quiff and head downstairs. Marshall wasn't ready yet so I plopped on the couch and watched some tv.

Marshall came down a couple episodes later. "Ready?" "You bet!" I spring out of the couch and follow Marshall to his car. The ride was 30-40 minutes long but I didn't mind, Marshall and I were jamming to the radio the whole time.

I see the rides up ahead and they look way bigger than the pictures but everything is going to be okay, Marshy's with me.

Marshall parked in an empty spot and we walk up to the entrance. I glance over and see Finn and Phoebus arriving. I wave to them and they wave back.

We go in once we get our tickets and the place is swarmed with people. I wait for Marshall to say what ride he wants to ride first but then he says "So what ride do you want to ride first?" The rides look differently than the ones in the picture and I don't know which ones are fun. "You can choose." "Okay then, let's ride that one!"

He points to one that is up about 200 feet in the air with what it looks like 16 passengers can ride around it. There was a small line and Marshall and I were able to get on.

We sit in a seat the dips in the back and a few handle bars comes over in front of us. You would have thought I saw what happens on this particular ride When you got to the top but no. We go up and up all the way to the top, the view is beautiful. There are miles and miles of grass land filled with animals of all kinds. And a small city in the background.

We made it to the top and then 'clank', 'clank', 'clank' I hold onto the bars for dear life. "Gummy it's going to be okay." Marshall says has he touches my hand.

Then we drop. The air pushed against my face as I screamed. I was sort of laughing screaming because Marshall was laughing and screaming "WOOOO!!!" We made it to the bottom in a couple of minutes. Wow I was not expecting that.

"Wasn't that fun?" Marshall excitedly says. Before the ride dropped the view was really pretty I enjoyed it. "Yeah the landscape was really pretty." "Yeah it was but the drop was the best part!" I just laugh at his facial expression. He's so cute when he's excited. The thrill really came to me but I wasn't really scared I think it was just because it was my first big ride.

After the drop ride Marshall and I went to get something to eat since it was lunch time. I got a hot dog while Marshall got a hamburger. The hot dog was surprisingly good. I put some ketchup and relish on it that made it taste even better. Marshall seemed to enjoy his hamburger as well. I wonder what other thrilling exciting rides we are going to try next?


Sorry for the short update. I don't have any excuses, (except homework) but anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Next chapter I'm hoping to have some FinnxPhoebus scenes and other points of views and make it a little longer!

Question of the Day:
What is your guys favorite carnival/ fair rides?

Please like, comment, and share if you really like this story. I hope to edit some of the other chapters soon and i would really like feedback from some of my readers! Have a great week! Talk to you soon! Bye!

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