News About The Baby|Uneditted

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Gumball's POV:

I looked down and remembered that I was pregnant before coming here. "What about the baby?" It was silent. Now I was scared. Where is my baby? Everyone walked in and took a seat again but I didn't mind them. I want an answer to my question. "Is He Okay?" I raised my voice so I get the question across. "We don't know. He is in confinement." Marshall spoke.

My child is in confinement. I put my child in danger and now he is struggling for his life. I did this to him. I'm making him suffer. I didn't want that. I wanted him to live a happy healthy life. But because of my foolishness that might not happen. Who knows he could die.

No, I can't handle these thoughts. This is just a nightmare and I need to wake up. I pull the sheets up and doze off. Hoping to wake up to Marshall cuddling me while we swing on the porch together and nothing to distract us from the perfect moment. Fingers crossed.


Gumball's Step-Dad's POV:
(A/N: I don't remember giving Gumball's step-dad a name so his name is going to be Jim.)

That son of bitch made me wake up in a fucking hospital. I'm going to kill him! Once I get out of here that bitch's family is going to be a pile of shot on the sidewalk. Watch out little whore I'm coming for you!

That's when the fucking popo showed up and arrested me for like fucking fifth time and sent me off to rehab. Fucking hell! Once I get out I'm coming for you slut!

Gumball's POV:

I woke up to the stench of the hospital know that everything was real. I felt arms around my waist and when I opened my eyes I looked up to see a sleeping Marshall. I sighed. Everything is going hectic.

I had to use the bathroom so I unhooked Marshall's arm and tiptoed to the bathroom making sure not to make a sound. I did my business and went to wash my hands. I looked in the mirror to see my horrible pale complexion and the dark bags under my eyes. I lifted my shirt to see the stitches aligned midway on my stomach. I pulled my shirt down and went back o to the room.

I saw Marshall start to get up. He moved his hand and then his eyes went wide and started looking around the room until he spot me and relief spread across his face.
"Good Morning." He said and I returned with a quite "morning." I made my way to the bed and had a seat. The air was so thick that you couldn't even cut it with a katana.

We just sat there and didn't say a word. I was pissed but worried and about to cry all at the same time. I wanted everything to be okay. I wanted there to be happiness and love again. I wanted to be loved. I wanted my child to be okay. Wow, what happened to me. I'm being really selfish. I should be grateful for even being alive but right about now it's really hard. Trying to separate your wants and needs is harder than you think.

I was kind of getting worried, even though I was kind of acting like a dick yesterday. I guess my hormones were still in kicking but can I really blame my horrible attitude on hormones. So all I did was smile and hope. That's all I could do.Being in the hospital gave me lots of time to think, about me, about Marshall, about the future, and what I can do to make a change for the better. Starting right now I am going to forget the bad stuff and think on the bright side. There is still hope and maybe if I talk with Marshall I could get a better understanding and we will love each other again. Like back in our old days. And all I could do was hope that my -our- child will be okay within time.

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