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"What the hell took you so long to get back?" Troy asked you almost as soon as you walked in  the door. "School ended for you like an hour ago."
"I was talking to someone." You replied, shrugging as you went into the kitchen and placed your car keys on the counter. About a month and a half after you and Mark had stopped talking, you ended up getting your license, which was mostly due to the fact that Troy had said that he was getting tired of driving you around everywhere. The only problem that you two ran into now was that you had to share Troy's truck since you didn't have the money to get your own car. Since this was the case, you and Troy decided that you would have days where either he or you got the truck for the entire day before it rotated the next day to the next person so that they could have the truck for the entire day.
"Who were you talking to?" Troy asked, a small smirk forming on his face.
You rolled your eyes as you walked into the living room. "If you think that it was Mark that I was talking to, you're mistaken."
"Damn." He muttered underneath his breath as he sat down on the couch.
"Why are you upset about that?" You asked him as you sat down next to him.
Troy shrugged. "I don't know. I thought you two would eventually become more than friends. You guys seemed like you had something between you that was pretty much impossible to break. I'll be honest with you when I tell you that I was waiting for the day that I heard that you two had gotten together."
"What?" You asked, shocked by what he had just told you. "Troy, Mark and I didn't even know each other that long before we completely stopped talking. Besides, I had no romantic feelings towards him and he had no romantic feelings towards me. He was too busy mourning his deceased ex-girlfriend to fall in love with anyone and besides, we both came to the agreement that we would stay friends and that we didn't want to lose each other as friends."
Suddenly remembering all the times that you shared with Mark in the short almost two month time span that you knew each other, you felt tears forming in your eyes. Not wanting to cry because of the past, you sighed and asked Troy, "Hey, can we talk about something else please?"
"Yeah, we can talk about something else." Troy whispered as he placed a hand on your shoulder. "I'm sorry for bringing that up. I should've known that you were still upset about losing your friendship with Mark."
"I wasn't upset when I ended things with Derek." You whispered back. "Derek only wanted me around so that he could complain and so he had someone with him whenever he decided to do drugs in case he ever got caught. He also wanted me around to try and get me to fall in love with him." You sighed as you recalled Derek and everything he did for the first time in a long time. "But with things ended with Mark..." You trailed off as you stared down at the ground as memories you had made with the now electric blue haired boy, from the shopping trip to the mall where you made him his own flower crown to the night where he showed you his drawings and actually gave you to keep, flashed inside of your mind one by one. Even to this day, you kept the drawing Mark had given you hanging up on your wall so that you could look at it every single day and remember all the times that you shared with him before things ended so suddenly. "I didn't even know what to think. I didn't want to be upset because I've dealt with losing friendships before. But when I realized that our friendship was truly over, I became devastated. I tried for a couple of weeks to contact Mark, but he would ever even respond. After I gave up trying to be his friend again, I moved out of his house and moved in with you after you told me that you could. Ever since that day, I've just been trying to get by. I've also been trying where exactly I want to go to college and want I want to do with my life because I have no fucking idea what I'm going to do with myself after I graduate next year."
"I totally get it." Troy said as he stood up from where he was sitting. "I was in exactly the same situation you're in right now back when I was a junior in high school. Trust me when I say that things will get better. You'll find something that you love doing and you'll find a college that's the perfect fit for you."
"I sure hope so." You sighed, looking up only to find that Troy had walked into the kitchen. "I also hope that my friendship with Mark isn't gone forever."

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