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You woke up the very next day feeling extremely refreshed and happy, which was more than likely because of the fact that you and Mark had cuddled and fell asleep in each other's arms.

After thinking of Mark, you came to the realization that he wasn't lying with you anymore. Upon realizing this, you sat up and looked around for him. You spotted him sitting in a corner and eating some candy once you spent a couple of moments looking around for him.
"Mark, what the hell are you doing?" You asked as you stood up.
In response, he held up the bag of candy and looked at you with a dazed expression on his face. He then shook the bag and ended up dropping it on the floor. When this happened, he just blinked and didn't seem to process that he had dropped the bag.
You gave him a fake laugh since you figured that he was just trying to be funny. "Okay, but for real, why are eating candy at..." You trailed off as you looked over at his alarm clock so that you could check the time. "One o'clock?" You lowered your voice as you muttered, "Did I really sleep that long?"
Hungry. Mark simply responded after just blankly staring at you for a couple of moments. Very, very hungry.
"Um, yeah, I can see that." You walked over and sat down next to him. "You've almost finished this bag of candy, after all."
Brownies. He completely ignored your statement. Want more brownies.
"You ate both of them?" You asked, glancing around the room in an effort to find them. A couple of moments later, you were met with the sight of an empty plastic bag. "Were they any good?"
Mark simply shrugged in response.
"Uh, okay." You replied awkwardly, wondering why he seemed a little off. "Are you feeling okay? You're acting kinda strange."
Mark didn't respond. Instead, he just slowly looked around the room with a faraway look in his eyes. As he was looking around, he smiled widely and covered his mouth as he silently giggled.
You didn't say anything in response to this. Instead, you went over to Mark's bedside table, which is where your phone was currently laying. You then unhooked it from the charger and began calling Troy.

When Troy answered your call, you didn't even bother allowing him to greet you and instead immediately asked, "What the fuck are in those brownies that you made yesterday? Mark ate a couple of them and he's acting really fucking weird."
Troy snickered, but he snickered in such a way that clued you in on the fact that he was currently high. "(Y/N), dear, I think we both know what's in those brownies."
"No, you fucking didn't-"
"Good ol' Mary Jane!" Troy's shouting cut you off before you could finish what you were going to say. He then lowered his voice back down to a normal volume. "Shit, I probably shouldn't yell during the middle of the night."
Before you could correct him and tell him that it was actually not the middle of the night, he spoke yet again. "You know, it's kinda funny. I've got two girls in my life and they're both named Mary. I have Mary Jane and Mary Elizabeth, but Elizabeth's kinda a long name so I'm going to shorten it to..." He trailed off and you waited for him to start speaking again, finding absolutely no point in interrupting his speech given the state that he was currently in. "Ellie." He paused again. "Yeah, that's good. Mary Ellie. Or maybe I could just call her Ellie. I don't know if she'd be okay with that though. She doesn't really look like an Ellie."
You sighed and finally said something now that he was done with his little speech. "Okay, first of all, it's not the middle of the night. It's literally one o'clock in the afternoon. Second of all..." You trailed off. "Well, actually, I don't have a second thing so I have no idea why I implied that I did."
"Wait, it's the afternoon?!" Troy sounded genuinely shocked to hear this. You then heard the sounds of him getting out of bed and pulling the curtains back. "Fucking shit man, what the hell is making it so damn bright outside?"
"Troy, dear, that would be the sun." You couldn't help but roll your eyes when you said this.
"What do you mean? I don't have any kids." He replied as you heard him pull the curtains back and stumble back to his bed.
"No, I meant-" You sighed again as you realized that it was pointless explaining to him that 'sun' and 'son' were two completely different words with two completely different meanings.
"Well, anyways, back to what we were talking about before." You rolled your eyes as you wondered why the hell you were still on the phone with him. "Mary, as in Mary Ellie, not Mary Jane, doesn't really look like an Ellie, right? 'Cause like Ellie sounds like the name of a little blonde girl that's wandering the freezing cold streets of London in search of someone that'll give her food, water, shelter, and, most importantly, love. But not just any kind of love, however. She wants someone to genuinely love her since she never got that from her own family."
"Wow, um... That's... oddly specific." You didn't know what else to say so you just went with that.
"Well, yeah, of course." Troy scoffed as if you should've known what he meant by his outlandish statement. "This is what happened and what I saw in the dream I had last night. It was super weird. It was honestly almost too real for it to just have been a dream. I'm thoroughly convinced that it's either a story that someone wrote or it's legitimately something that's happened in real life."
"Okay, that's very nice." You weren't really invested into what he was saying since you chalked it up to be just a bunch of complete and utter nonsense. "I have to get going. Have fun doing whatever it is that you're doing."
"Oh, I am." Troy replied. "See you around, (Y/N)."
"See ya." You quickly said your goodbye and ended the phone call. While you loved Troy to death (in a platonic sense, of course,) sometimes the conversations that he had with you while he was high were a bit too much to handle.

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