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You spent pretty much the entire rest of the day with August at the park. The time seemed to just fly by and you couldn't believe that when you went to check your phone in order to see what time it was that it was a little past nine o'clock.
"Wow, it's five minutes past nine and there's not a single "Where the fuck are you?" text from Troy." You muttered as you put your phone back in your pocket.
"Who's Troy?" August asked, raising an eyebrow.
"He's a friend of mine that I live with because my parents aren't exactly fit to be parents." You said. "I lived with someone else for a while though. Long story short, I moved in with Troy and I've been living with him for a few months now."
"How's that been?"
You shrugged. "It's been kinda nice. Now that I'm thinking about it, Troy feels more like an older brother than he does a friend."
August smiled a bit as he put his guitar back in his guitar case after he had put all of the money he had earned from playing his guitar inside. "Well, that sounds nice. I can't really relate to that feeling because I've never had a friendship that was like that." He let out a sigh as he placed the strap of his guitar over his shoulder. "Actually, I've hardly had any friendships at all except for my half-sister Amy, which Julian fucking had to-"
"I know." You interrupted him mostly because you weren't really in the mood to hear about what had happened to Amy. "But Julian's gone now and he can't hurt anyone ever again."
"That's not necessarily true." August muttered as he stood up and began walking away.
"Hey, wait up!" You called before you stood up as well and rushed to catch up with him. Once you managed to catch up with him, you asked, "What do you mean by that?"
August let out a frustrated sigh, sounding as if that he expected you to understand what he was talking about without having to explain to you. "What I mean by that is that ever since I was almost two years old, my life has been spent trailing behind Julian's shadow. Even though I was the older brother, people always expected me to be just like Julian. They questioned why I just couldn't be like him. My family wanted me to be athletic and outgoing, which are the things that I'm not, even to this day. I guess another reason why my parents signed me up for piano lessons was because they wanted to see if I was actually good at something." He suddenly stopped in his tracks and shook his head. "No August, shut up. You just met this girl today. Stop talking about your life so much."
You stopped in your tracks almost as soon as he did. "August, I don't care if you talk about your life. In fact, I kinda like it when you talk about your life. It helps me better understand who you are and what your experiences have shaped you to be. What people go through in their life plays a major role in determining just who they are."
It wasn't until a few moments had passed that August actually acknowledged your statement. He nodded and then looked you dead in the eyes. "(Y/N), I've never met someone like you before. I'd really like to get to know you more. Do you think that maybe we can... I don't know... Go get some coffee sometime?"
You smiled a bit. "Sure. That sounds like it'll be tons of fun."
August's face filled with excitement. "Really?"
You couldn't help but laugh a bit. "Yeah, of course. Besides, I've never been out to go get coffee with a guy before. Well, actually, I've never been on a date before."
August laughed a bit as well. "I find that pretty hard to believe."
"It's true." You laughed again. "Even though I've spent pretty much my entire life surrounded by male friends, not a single one has taken me out on a date."
"Now, I find that impossible to believe." August laughed again as well. "You can't tell me that you've spent pretty much your entire life surrounded by male friends and then tell me that not a single one of those said male friends has never taken you out on a date. That's just preposterous."
You found yourself laughing for a third time. "It's true. I'm not a person who lies."
August smiled. "That's good." His smile faded away almost as soon as it appeared. "I honestly can't stand people who lie."
"Neither can I." You sighed as you reached into your pocket and pulled out the keys to Troy's truck. "I mean, I don't mind a little white lie here and there. But when white lies start to slowly add up, that's when they become unacceptable."
"Agreed." August nodded as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his car keys. "Well, I'll hopefully see you around school."
"Yeah, the same goes for you." You replied as you pressed a button on your car keys. You heard the sound of Troy's truck unlocking a moment later.
"It was nice getting to hang out with you today." August smiled brightly as he approached his car after he had unlocked it. His car was a white Mercedes and you couldn't help but feel a little jealous about the car that he owned. While you weren't as jealous about his car as you were of Mark's, you still wished that you owned a car that was nice as nice as August's or even Mark's. "You seem like you're a really awesome girl. I'll make sure that I see you around real soon. We have to set a date for when we go out and get coffee, after all."
"That we do." You couldn't help but smile to yourself as you sat down in the driver's seat of Troy's truck. "Thanks for an awesome day August."

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