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Third Person's POV

*at BLACKPINK's dorm*

The Blackpink members were currently sleeping peacefully in their rooms.

But Jisoo's sleep was interrupted when someone called her on her phone. She woke up sleepily and lazily walked towards her phone.

She looked at the caller's id and saw that it was their manager who was calling her.

She tapped accept and put her phone to her ears.

"Hello, Manager?" She said.

"Good morning Jisoo! You guys should go and get up. Fix yourselves cause we will go somewhere. We will be there in a few minutes." Their manager instructed.

"Okay Manager." Jisoo answered politely and their manager dropped the call.

Jisoo went outside their room and entered their bathroom to wash her face. She then went back to her and Jennie's room and woke Jennie up.

"Jennie-yah, wake up wake up." She slightly tapped Jennie.

Jennie moved and opened her eyes. It roamed around their room and finally stopped at where her wallclock was placed.

"Unnie~~. It's still 6am." She complained.

"I know. I know. I still wanna sleep to but manager told me to wake you up and prepare ourselves because we're going somewhere." Jisoo said.

What she said made Jennie wake up fully. "What? Where would we go?" She asked.

"I don't know. Manager hadn't told me. Just stand up there and go take a bath. I'll just wake the maknaes up."

Jennie nodded and followed her unnie's order.

Jisoo went to Rosé's room first and found her still sleeping in their beds.

She went to Rosé's bed. "Rosé, rise and shine! Wake-y wake-y darling." She playfully said.

"Unnie~. Why so early?" She mumbled.

"Well, manager said we're going somewhere."

"Where?" She asked, her eyea full of curiosity.

"I don't know. Manager didn't told me."

Rosé nodded and stood up and stretched her body while Jisoo went to Lisa's room.

"Lisa, wake up now." She tapped Lisa but she didn't budge.

"Lisa, wake upppp~. Wake up." She repeated and this time tapped harder on her.

Lisa opened her eyes and looked sleepily at her unnies. "Unnie~. What time is it?" She said.

"It's still 6am. Just wake up now and prepare because manager said we are going somewhere."

Lisa's face lit up. "Where are we going, unnie?" She happily asked, excitement evident on her face.

The unnie laughed at her reaction and Jisoo answered her the same answer she gave to the other two.

They went out of their Lisa's room and saw that Rosé also just got out of her room. They also saw Jennie with a towel on her hair already preparing their breakfast.

Rosé immediately went inside the bathroom to take a bath. While Lisa occupied the other one.

Jisoo helped Jennie in preparing the table while waiting for one of Lisa and Rosé to go out of the bathroom.

After a few minutes, Rosé and Lisa both went out and went inside their rooms. And Jisoo took a bath.

While waiting for her members to finish preparing, Jennie heard a bell. She assumed that it must be their manager and she opened the door.

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