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Seulgi's POV

Ahhh. I am so tired. I guess all of us are. We're just currently going home right now. And surprisingly, the van is silent.

So being exhausted is the only way that could shut us up. Like really, the only sound that can be heard is the music blaring from the speakers, the crunching of food or when we move. None of us spoke until we arrived in our dorm.

We went inside our dorm and some of us plopped themselves on the sofas while others went to their rooms. I am plopped down in the sofa with the others.

"Aigoo~. I'm so tireeed~," Jisoo suddenly said. She's comfortably seated on the sofa.

"Ahhh~. I'm hungry," Joy muttered.

"I second that," Wendy agreed with her.

"Are you guys hungry?" Irene went out of her room and asked us.

"Yes," we all answered.

"Hmm. Should we cook or eat outside? What do you think?"

"What time is it?" I asked.

"It's past 3 in the afternoon," Wendy replied.

"Maybe we should just cook?" Jisoo suggested.

"Yeah. I think it's better if we cook. It would be our first meal together so we should make it memorable you know," Joy added.

"Hmm. Great idea! But let's decide what to cook first, the ingredients and divide the work," Irene said.

"Go call the others," she added again.

Jisoo and I stood up to call the others who are probably resting.

I went to our room and saw Jennie lying on her bed.

"Jennie-yah," I called out softly.

She looked at me. "Yes unnie?"

"Let's go to the living room. We have something to discuss," I said.

"Oh okay unnie," she stood up and we both went out together.

When we got there we saw that Rosé, Lisa and Yeri are already there.

"So," Jennie started. "What are we going to talk about?"

"We decided that for our dinner we will cook instead of going outside to eat. But first, we have to decide what to eat and divide the work," Irene explained.

"Okay. So any suggestions on what we should eat?" Jisoo asked.

"Jajangmyun?" Wendy said.

"Uhm, Kimchi Stew?" Rosé also suggested.

"Chicken!" uh, I think you already know who suggested that.

"But I don't eat chicken," Irene interrupted.

"We will just be the ones who will eat it unnie. You don't have to eat it too," Joy replied.


"Okay let's continue. More suggestions?"

"How about Kimbap?" Yeri said.

"Gamjatang?" a shy Lisa suggested.

"Hmm. Okay, I think that's enough. We've got Jajangmyun, kimchi-jjigae, chicken, kimbap and gamjatang. Maybe we should add ramen." Irene said.

"Well, then let's start dividing the work." Wendy muttered.

"Of course, Irene unnie should cook!" Yeri squealed.

"Oh, right. Then Jennie and Chaeyoung could assist you unnie," Jisoo suggested.

"I could make us desserts. Cookies?" Wendy said.

"That's great!"

"So Irene unnie, Wendy unnie, Jennie, and Rosie will be the one to cook. And the rest of us will buy the ingredients," Joy said.

"We should divide into two to make the work faster. So it's Seulgi and Lisa then me, Joy and Yeri," Jisoo suggested.

"Good idea! We'll buy the ingredients for Kimchi-jjigae, Gamjatang and Kimbap," I agreed.

"Okay. Then we'll buy the ingredients of Fried Chicken, Ramen, Jajangmyun and Chocolate Chip Cookie." Jisoo replied.

"Then it's all set! Now go on and buy the ingredients needed and we'll be here searching for procedures on cooking those dishes and we'll prepare the materials too," Wendy said.

"Go now. Be safe, take care and have fun," Irene reminded like the mother she is.

"Bye guys. See you later. We've got ingredients to search for," Jisoo said goodbye to them and we also did then we went down to our van to head to the mall.

On the way to the market, everyone was quiet. All was looking at their phones probably searching for the ingredients.

"Hmm, okay so I searched all the ingredients we need," Jisoo broke the deafening silence.

"Yeah, me too. I also searched for it," Joy said.

"Same," Yeri, Lisa and I replied at the same time.

After a few minutes of discussing what we should do, we arrived at the market and went outside. The camera is still following and filming us.

Once we entered the grocery, the two groups assigned parted ways to find the ingredients. I was with Lisa. She was very quiet, I guess because she is very shy. I danced with her one time so we're quite good friends.

"Why are you so quiet?" I asked as we strolled on the grocery.

"I'm just not very comfortable and still adjusting to living with you Red Velvet members," she replied shyly.

"Oh, I see. But you don't need to be shy. We've worked together before right?"

"Yep we did unnie. But I'm still very shy. Don't worry, once I'll be able to adjust, you'll see my hyper side. Oh wait, I guess you have to worry because I am the evil maknae of BLACKPINK as they call me," she said and chuckled.

"Oh, then I guess we'll wait for it, eh?" I smiled. She didn't notice that she spoke more than a sentence to me and even chuckled. She truly is slowly adjusting to this life.

Anyway, we continued the conversation I initiated while getting the ingredients we need. We even ran to Jisoo, Joy and Yeri who were happily talking and laughing when we saw them.

When we had finished getting the ingredients, we went to the counter and met the others there to pay for it as one. There were a few bags so we asked help from our staffs to carry it.

We went back to our van and headed back to dorm where the others are waiting for us.

"We've arrived!" Jisoo announced and she was greeted by loud laughs from the kitchen and also our song "Cool Hot Sweet Love" was also playing.

"Oh, they must be having some fun," Yeri said.

They went out of the kitchen and greeted us with big warm smiles. Even Irene unnie did.

"Welcome home! You've done your part already. It's time for us to do ours too!" Rosie exclaimed and they helped us carry the bags to the table.

Then they started to prepare the ingredients while we watch them as they work together as one.


Here's the update! Their first meal will be at the next chapter. Btw, could you guys give me some ideas on what their first mission should be? Please keep on supporting my story as their friendship blooms like in the real life. They had eaten beef together and Joy cried listening to Chaeng's story. Aww my babies are cute. And they're also both my bias! How about you guys? Who are your bias in RV and BP?

PS. Not proofread

Revelinks fighting! ✊✊

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