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Rosé's POV

Loud music is blaring from the speaker inside my room. I am currently packing my things right now. I'm inside my bedroom with Lisa who is also packing her belongings like me. She has her own room so I don't know why she packed here.

"Lisa-yah, what do you think will happen when we start filming our reality show?" I asked the maknae in front of me.

She stopped packing her things and looked up to me. "Well Chaeyoung, I think it's going to be fun! Although maybe I could get nervous and be silent at first since I am shy, you know?" She then giggled.

I nodded with a big smile on my face. "Yeah. You're really a shy girl and don't talk much that's why BLINKs are begging you to talk more."

"Uhuh. But I can't help it."

"You don't have to be shy, you know. If you're worrying about your korean, it's actually really good. And we're here to help you. I am sure fans would love it if you talk more."

"Yea. I know that. I hope I could talk much in our reality show, because we're with Red Velvet sunbaenims and I'm shy." She said.

"Don't worry! It will be fine Lisa." I assured her.

"Thank you Chaeng-ah."

"Anyway, back to our topic. I am sure many fans would be happy after news about this will get out. I have seen lots of our fans commenting and messaging us on IG saying they want a BLACKVELVET interaction." We were really shocked when we saw that. I mean, like BLACKPINK and Red Velvet hasn't interacted once and they're already shipping us. But I like it tho since I like RV so much. My other members like them too.

"Yeah. We also have secret Twitter accounts and I saw many are tweeting about BLACKVELVET." Lisa agreed to me.

"Yeah! And they even have shipping names with us and RV members. Like WenSé, which is me and Wendy unnie." I said remembering that time I saw that tweet.

"Yeah. SeuLisa too. Me and Seulgi unnie."

We were interrupted when someone knocked at the door and peeked inside.

"Girls, it's time to eat! Jennie cooked food." Jisoo unnie said.

"Okay unnie." We stood up and went outside.

We sat around the table and ate the food Jennie unnie prepared for us.

"Are you excited for tomorrow?" Jennie unnie asked.

"Yes of course, Jendeukie!" Jisoo unnie happily answered.

"Yes unnie. I'm excited to work with RV sunbaenim." I replied to her.

"Yeah unnie." Lisa said.

"Well, I am too! We love RV you know and I can't believe we're working with them and will live inside one dorm!" Jennie unnie muttered.

When we were done eating, Lisa washed the plates since she was the one assigned to wash the dishes today. I was assigned tomorrow but we won't be staying here because we will film the reality show in a dorm with RV so I guess it will be changed.

I was finished packing my things when Lisa came in. She also started to finish packing while I laid on my bed reading comments of our Blinks in IG. I hope I could get to meet them upclose someday.

Just as when Lisa closed her bag, we heard a knock on our door. Lisa went to open it and let that someone in.

"Maknaes, do you want to go somewhere this afternoon? I know you're bored and so are we." Jennie unnie said. Her accent is sooo cute.

"Yes, we'd like to unnie." I answered.

Jennie unnie turned to me and smiled. "Okay, I will go tell Jisoo." Then she left.

I changed clothes since it would be so cold outside because it started snowing already.

I went out of our bedroom and waited for them in the living room. When we were ready, we went out of our dorm and Jisoo unnie locked it. We were just walking, oh wait Jisoo unnie was actually jumping around. Just so you know, she's the fake maknae. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ (kekekekekeke)

We stopped by a clothes shop that we saw and went inside.

We were looking at the clothes in display when suddenly our song Boombayah was playing. Luckily, we wore disguises and hid ourself well so that people won't know BLACKPINK is here.

Jisoo unnie and Lisa had picked their clothes when Whistle, one of our song, was played too.

We secretly hummed to it and sometimes do little moves. The song was about to end and Jennie unnie and I had already chose clothes to so we decided to pay for it. Fortunately, the cashier didn't recognized us.

After eating food at a nearby restaurant, we decided to go back to our dorm.

I was listening to some music while reading something when Lisa knocked and peeked her head inside my room.

"Oh, Lisa!" I was shocked. "Where have you been? What are you doing here?"

"Just in the living room," she answered still standing in the door. I gestured for her to come in.

She went to my bed and stood there. "Chaeyoung-ah," she shyly smiled. "Can I lie in your bed too and watch KDramas with you?"

"Well, okay. Come here." I invited.

She smiled brightly and happily went inside my room. "Thank you Chaeng!" She exclaimed.

She sat down beside me and opened her laptop. She clicked something and found out that she is watching Legend of the Blue Sea.

We just watched non-stop except when it was dinner. While we were watching, I noticed that Lisa was silent and I found out that she already fell asleep. So I turned her laptop off and set it aside.

I didn't bother waking her up and just let her sleep beside me.


ChaeLisa's ship is sailing! Next chapter will be a POV of one of RV's members.

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