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Irene's POV

I looked at the messy children in front of me. Ahh~ they must be really hungry because all of them are very silent. You could only hear the clinking of the spoons, forks, and chopsticks and chewing, swallowing, and sipping sounds.

"Who will wash the dishes?" I asked.



"Yum yum."


They all ignored my question and avoided eye contact with me while trying to change the topic.

"Ahhh. Why do you ignore me? Who will wash?" I repeated again.

"Hmm. Staff unnie, we have to do all the household chores here? Including laundry?" Jisoo asked one of the staffs.

"Yes you have to," the staff answered.

"Oh okay. Thanks!"

"Ah!" Chaeng shouted like as if an idea came to her mind. "How about we assign each and everyone on the household chores? But it will change every week?"

"Oh that's a good idea!" Seulgi agreed.

"That's right!"

"I think that will do."

"Okay so the chores should be: washing the dishes, sweeping, laundry... hmm what else?"

"Ironing the clothes of course!" I shouted eagerly.

"Right. Cooking? Do we still have to cook?"

"Yes." the female staff answered again.

"Thank you." Wendy nodded gratefully.

"Fixing the bed should be everyone's responsibility." Jennie muttered.

"Yes, that's right." Joy agreed.

"Cleaning of the rest room too?" Yeri questioningly said.

"Hmm. I think that should be something everyone must do."

"How about dusting?" Lisa suggested.


"So since there's 9 of us, 3 people should be assigned each week and 2 chores will be given to each of them." Chaeng said.


"Now we should write our names in a paper then put it in a bowl and let the staff pick three pieces of rolled paper."

"That's great. But let's finish eating first." Yeri interrupted and began to eat again.

We all looked at each other but then the remaining kids also followed Yeri's lead.

And I sighed at their actions.

Suddenly Chaeng stood up and brought her plate and other utensils on the sink and said, "I'm already full. I'll just wait for you in the living room."

"Okay." everyone answered Rosé then continued eating. I saw her sighed while staring at them.

"I'm done too," I stood up and also put my plate on the sink and followed Rosie to the living room.

Soon, one by one, they went out of the dining room and headed to the living room.

"Okay! Since everyone's here, let's start writing our names on a piece of paper and put it in a bowl then we'll give it to the staff for them to pick the first three who will do the chores!" Jisoo said.

"Okay," everyone answered and wrote their names down.

Soon after, everyone was done and we placed it in the bowl and gave it to one of the staff.

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