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Joy's POV

*krrrring krrring*

I woke up from the sound of my alarm clock. I checked the time and found out that it is already 6am.

I looked at the Squirtle who was sleeping on the other bed.

"Yeriiii-ah!" I shouted to wake her up.

"Unnieee~, what is it?" She mumbled sleepily.

"Wake up! Prepare yourself. We're living in one dorm with BLACKPINK today."

"Ahhh. 5 more minutes."

"Andwae! Palli palli!"

"Ne." She sleepily stood up.

I also stood up and went inside the bathroom. After taking a bath, I chose clothes that I will wear. Yeri also went inside the bathroom after I went out.

There was a knock on the door. I opened it and saw Wendy unnie outside.

"Good morning, Joy-ah!"

"Good morning, unnie."

"Come, come. Let's eat. Irene unnie cooked breakfast."

"Okay unnie."

I followed Wendy unnie to the dining area.

I helped Seulgi unnie in putting plates on the table. Yeri came after a while and at the same time, Irene unnie finished cooking breakfast so we sat and ate the foods served.

After eating and washing the dishes, we carried our things and went outside.

We went inside the car and our manager drove to our new dorm.

"Ooh~. Cameras! There are lots of cameras here." Yeri exclaimed.

"Omo. You're right, Yeri!" Seulgi unnie said.

There are really lots of cameras. Daebak!

"Annyeonghaseyo!" Wendy unnie greeted to the camera.

"Right now, we are inside our car as we are heading towards our new dorm with Blackpink."

Wendy unnie turned to us. "Are you guys excited to live with Blackpink?"

"Yes! I am excited." Yeri said.

"I am excited too but wouldn't it be awkward since we're not that close with them?" I asked.

"Well, I'm sure we will get comfortable with each other as time passes by." Wendy unnie replied.

"I am already friends with Lisa though." Seulgi unnie said.

"Oh right. Because of that collab." Irene unnie replied.

"BLINKs and Red Velvet stans, please support us and look forward to upcoming episodes. I'm sure RV and BP will have fun together. BLACKVELVET fighting!!" Wendy unnie said.

After a few minutes, our van stopped in front of a building and I already saw BLACKPINK's van parked. Maybe they already went inside.

We got out of the van and went inside the building. We went inside a room and saw BLACKPINK already seated on the couch in the living room.

They stood up when they saw us. "Annyeonghaseyo, Red Velvet sunbaenim."

"Annyeonghaseyo, BLACKPINK."

Our managers left us alone in the dorm.

We were just looking at each other awkwardly when we heard a voice from the speaker.

"Good day, Red Velvet and BLACKPINK. Today is your first day of filming your first reality show together. We will be providing you missions that you will do individually, a pair or a group. But for now, we will let you enjoy yourselves together and you will get your first mission tomorrow. But first, we will tell you who will be your roommate. On the first room, Irene and Jisoo will be sharing it. Seulgi and Jennie for the second room. Wendy and Rosé for the third and lastly Joy, Yeri, and Lisa will be sharing the fourth room."

Oohs and ahhs filled the room. We went inside the rooms assigned for us. Luckily for me, I am roommates with Yeri so even though Lisa is also my roommate, it won't be awkward for us (Yeri and I) but I think Lisa would be the one who is awkward.

We just arranged our things inside. There are 3 beds here and 3 closets then a study table.

I sat on my bed when we heard a soft knock. Yeri opened it.

"Lisa-yah, Joy-ah, Yeri-ah, let's go out and have fun today. Bring those cameras on your study table." Jisoo unnie said and smiled brightly at us.

"Okay unnie." We all replied. She then went out.

Lisa, Yeri and I went out. We heard laughters in the living room so we headed there and saw Seulgi unnie, Wendy unnie, Rosé and Jisoo unnie laughing and joking with each other. They have become close in a small span of time huh.

I looked at Jennie and Irene unnie silently sitting and just smiling sometimes. Tsunderes.

"Oh, they're here already! Let's go." Jisoo unnie excitedly said and we all laughed at her cute reaction.

"Jisoo actually made a cheer so should we do it before we go out?" Seulgi unnie said and giggled.

"What is it?" Yeri asked.

"Go BLACKPINK. Go Red Velvet. BLACKVELVET fighting!!" They said and its with a tune. So that's why they were laughing a while ago.

"Hana dul set. Go BLACKPINK. Go Red Velvet. BLACKVELVET fighting." We all chanted and laughed afterwards.

Well, I guess living with BLACKPINK is enjoyable. I'm excited to know more about them.




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