Chapter 22

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"It is not funny Harry!" I shout. I walk away from him and stand in front of my dorm apartment dorm.

"You can go. I don't want to speak with you. I cannot believe you said all of that." I said. I open the door and walk in. "Guys!!" I shout. No answer. "Guysssss!!" I shout again. Still no answer.

"Are you kidding me? She gave me a dirty look and started eyeing me down before I even said hello!" Harry shouts walking in behind me.

"Harry...Go away." I sigh. I walk over to my room and open it then try to slam it in his face. He stops the door and walks in.

"Telling me to go away will make me stay even more." He shrugs, kicks his boots off and lays down. I groan and grab jeans and an off-shoulder sweater from the closet, then make my way to the dresser inside the closet and grab underwear and a black bralette.

I walk to the bathroom and change, I look at my hair and put it up in a high ponytail. I walk out and back to my room.

"Why me? Why out of all the girls you could possibly annoy, you decided on me." I say sitting on my desk chair.

"Because you're the one who get irritated the most." He smiles a big dimpled smile. I roll my eyes and open my laptop to check if I have anything due. He walks up to me and closes my laptop.

"Nothing due." He answers while chewing a piece of gum he must of popped in while I was changing.

"Go away!" I groan.

"Nope..see you just added 30 more minutes to your sentence." He chuckles. He swivels the chair and makes me face him.

"Not going to lie, you look pretty hot in your outfit today." He says while chewing and looking at me. He walks over to my mini fridge and grabs a bottle of water. "You know mint and cold water is my favorite feeling." He says after drinking. He sits down on the edge of my bed and I sigh.

"What's wrong?" He asks, his rude tone changing into more concerned.

"You said the rudest things to my mother and now who knows what will happen!" I say.


"So? It's going to get me in trouble and who knows what she will do with you." I answer

"Why are you so worried about my life, she is not going to do anything to me because she can't and I am a grown ass man." He answers.

"I don't know what could of made you so aggressive, Harry," I say "You have a much better life than any other teenage kid I know. Why are you so rude to everyone you come across!!"

"I'm 21 in two days and stop pretending like you fu.cking know me Hazel." He snaps. "I don't want none of this shi.t , I have it because I can, so if I'm stinking rich, I'm going to utilize the money."

"Whatever, you're ungrateful for the things you have, no 21 year old has what you have. You have college payed for meanwhile kids are struggling to pay for it and you say you don't want what you have." I say to him

"Stop acting like you know me!" He shouts now standing up.

"You're rude to your friends and everyone who talks to you! even my mother!" I shout back.

"So? Your mother is damn insane and you're damn uptight." He snaps back.

"and you're mean!" I snap back getting up and crossing my arms.

"At least I'm aware of it. You're unaware of the fact you're absolutely annoying, uptight, aggravating, and whiney."

"Yeah well I happen to like myself like that." I say crossing my arms. He was looking at me trying to focus on one eye.

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