Chapter 24

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I wake up and look at the time. I grab my towel, toothbrush, shower gel, shampoo and clothes and walk out of my room. For a second I thought it was Monday and I had woken up late for school but my nerves soon calm down when I remember that it is only Sunday. 

"Mornin'" I hear a deep raspy voice. I look over to my left and see Skye, Harry, Haley, Zayn, Niall and Louis all sitting in the living room eating. 

"Good morning?" I say more as a question. 

"Come join us love!" Louis chirps. My rude features soften and I smile. 

"What are you guys doing?" I ask 

"We're having breakfast!" Skye says happily. I look over at the table in the middle of the room with different things on it. 

"Yeah I'll be back!" I smile. I walk over to the shower and hear Haley scream. Great 

"You were looking at her!!" 

"Outside NOW." Harry snaps back. Oh she's in trouble. I turn on the shower take a quick shower and change into a pair of black ripped jeans, a black brallette, and a Ramones muscle tee. I grab my things to put back in my room and walk out of the bathroom and see everyone quiet. 

"Uhm.. who died?" I ask drying my hair. 

"Erm.. Haley if she doesn't shut up." Zayn says. 

"What do you mean...wait hold that thought." I ask walking over to my room putting my stuff down quickly, unplugging my phone from the charger and walking back out. I sit on the sofa where Haley was sitting a space between Zayn and I and Skye was sitting on his laps. 

"Continue." I tell Zayn. Zayn finishes swallowing whatever he was eating and speaks up

"Haley gets really...jealous..when you and Harry are around each other so she gets rowdy and loud and Harry really hates it. She's scared of Harry and she knows what ticks him off and Harry well gets pissed off very easily. He's talking to her outside." 

"Listen to me!!" We hear and all of us do a little jump due to being startled. "Do you understand?......Verbal...." Oh there it is. 

"Why does he do that?" I ask everyone. "Why does he want verbal answers?" 

"Because Harry is extremely dominant. That's just how he is. He likes things a certain way, his." Zayn continues. 

We hear the door open and Harry and Haley walk in. Her eyes bloodshot red and Harry's cheeks red as well. Haley walks over to sit next to me but Harry quickly speaks up

"Do not sit down next to her." He snaps. "Get up." Haley stands up and walks over to Harry. Harry and he switch seats and Harry is now sitting next to me. I sigh. He looks over at me and I look back at him. He looks down. I lean over and grab some food of the table and start munching on it. 

"So what are the plans for today?" Harry speaks up. 

"Uhm.. no party?" Niall asks. 

"Not at my house anymore.." Harry snaps. 

"Well.. Lets do something at mine! Another birthday bash for Harry since his birthday is tomorrow!" Louis speaks up and winks at Harry. He shrugs. "Just us! and a few other people." Louis smirks 

"Fine by me." Harry smiles

After a few hours of everyone chatting, Niall and Louis decided to leave at around 3 to go set up at his house which is also in Staten island. 

"Well.. I'm going to go pick out a cute the store." Skye says standing up. 

"Why? I thought it was just us?" I ask

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