Chapter 1

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"What?" Lorelai replied
"I'm pregnant" Rory whispered
Lorelai was in shocked, she thought better of her only child. She though Rory had more responsibility than she did.
" Rory, I can't believe this! I thought you were responsible. I thought better of you, I'm disappointed but I will be there for you. For everything! Who's the father?"
" I'm so so so sorry mom! And Logan's. I'm terrified to tell him, should I tell him? What if he doesn't love me? What if he doesn't want to be with me? Or our child? What if he hates me?" Rory cried into her mother arms.
"Ring him, call him now. With me by your side because that's where I'll be for you." Lorelai said with a smile on her face.
Rory brings out her phone and doesn't realise the time in London but she doesn't care, she needs to tell the love of her life that she's pregnant with his child and set things straight. The dials his number and he answers.
" Hey Ace, what's wrong? It's 2am here" Logan said waking up from his slumber.
"Logan listen, I love you, always have and always will. I'm pregnant with YOUR child, you have a choice to be in our lives which I'd love for you to be in or you can stay with Odette. I know it's a hard decision but i truly do want you to be with me and our child"
There was silence but the sound of Logan heavily breathing made Rory know that he was still there.
"Logan I'm going to leave you get your sleep and to process this, I love you and I'm really sorry" Rory said with her heartbroken.
Lorelai said "what did he say?"
"Nothing. He said nothing" Rory said running through the town of stars hollow crying.
Lorelai's heart was broken that her daughter was so upset from what's happened but she knew Logan will come back, he always does.

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