Chapter 10

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Finns POV
I can't believe this is happening!! I'm having a child with the women I love.
"Yes Finn?"
"Are we together? In a relationship? Are we going to raise the child together? Are we going to live together? Are we goi." I rambled on until Rory put her hand over her mouth and started laughing.
"It's not funny love! We need to talk about this" I said hoping she'll think about this.
"Well, I'd love to be in a relationship if your up to it and I wouldn't mind living together to kick things off but take our time with things, if that's ok?" She said with panic with her voice.
"Love that's fine, I'd love for that to happen" I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone so we can start looking for places.
Suddenly, the door slammed open and here came the crowd.
"Finn? Rory?" Colin questioned
"In here Colin!" Rory replied
"Why the hell have I got our London man shouting at me on the phone questioning about your relationship? Something you care to explain?" Colin glared.
"Sit down mate, we have to explain"
After me and Rory explained everything, Colin was overjoyed.
"so I have a step-father now is it?" Colin said jokingly.
"Yes and a brother or sister coming along" Rory said going along with the joke.
"I can't believe I'm going to be an uncle!" Suddenly another spirit walked through the door, it was Robert.
"Why is Logan ringing me and shouting at me? He said to come over here and ask from the horses mouth so I came over to speak to a horse but you three are here. Wait..... your planning another life or death bridgade event without me aren't you?! Finn is it cause I asked for my $40 dollars back from what you owe me? By the way Colin you owe my $29.99." Robert said in a stunned tone.
We quickly re-explained the whole situation.
"How exciting!! So Rory and Finn together, wow! Sad I never got a second chance but happy you found each other specially after Finn moaning throughout college about loving Ror-" Robert paused for Rory's facial expression.
"Awh Finn! I'm so sorry I never noticed. I'm an idiot! Self-concerned idiot!" Rory started to cry "these damm hormones" the boys started to comfort Rory until she realised.
"Finn!! We have to tell our parents!"
"Shit, I'll ring mine now and arrange a dinner to explain properly and you ring yours" I bounced off the couch ringing my parents.
"Hello? Mr and Mrs Morgan here"
"Hi parents. I have some explaining to do" I was so nervous, shaking nervous.
After explaining most things. I walked back into the living room to have the three of them jumping around in happiness, wow my life's great.
"They are mad that we ain't married but happy we are in a relationship and are moving in together and that they are finally having a grandchild. How about you love?"
"Well the thing is bbe" Robert said in a sad attempt of a woman's voice.
"Actually, my mother already knew I told her first but my grandmother is overjoyed and is actually on her way here for some reason. My dad was a bit overprotective but he's happy he's getting a grandchild" Rory said smiling.
I grabbed her and spinning her around. I'm overjoyed that I get to have a child with her, hopefully more and hopefully marriage. The thought of spending the rest of our lives together soothes me as I will truly have true love.

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