A Can of Worms

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A smile darted across Rosie's face. "Hello Rick..." she paused, "y!"

Has much as Ricky wanted to maintain the eye contact that he had with Rosie, he knew the eyes of the hall were upon him. He could see the embarrassment in her face, as her cheeks became pink, her eyes leaving his and looking round the room for reassurance. He grabbed on to her hand and pulled her infront of the children, linking his fingers between hers.

"Now I happen to know Miss Cooper has a poorly foot, so let's take care not to get too rough!" Ricky gave her a knowing look and Rosie's cheeks just got pinker!

Rosie wished nothing more than for the ground to open and swallow her up. She could see Carrie and Adam beaming at her from the back of the hall. But she didn't have time to worry about them. Ricky was off again.

"Right boys and girls, are you ready?" He was answered with more screams and keeping his hands linked with Rosie's, he lifted their arms into the air. As the music started up again he shouted, "Let's be aeroplanes!" And they were off around the hall. If Rosie could have safely closed her eyes, she would have done. But he held her fingers tightly and guided her around the room, though sticking close to the front of the hall. Surely this was her worst nightmare? She glanced across to see him smiling at her and,then he winked. No hang on, a man she thought she'd never see again was at the end of her fingertips. Dodging the children as they flew past, she could tell Ricky was enjoying every minute. Such a different side to him than she had seen in Cornwall. After a final swoop, Ricky decided to end Rosie's embarrassment and he let go of her fingers. She 'flew' her way to the side of the hall and stood enjoying the happiness of her class but ecstatic that her ordeal had been short lived.

Soon after everyone was encouraged to come in to land and to pat themselves on the back. Rosie made her way gradually back to the rest of the staff. Sally was the first to approach her.

"Wow! You lucky thing!" she was tremendously excited. "Is he just as good looking close up?"

It was the last conversation Rosie wanted to get into. She chose to just humour Sally.

"Like you wouldn't believe! Sorry, excuse me Sally," and Rosie walked on.

Carrie was ready to put her arm around her friend's shoulder. "You hated every minute of that didn't you?" Rosie only had to give Carrie a look to prove how right she was.

Within ten minutes, Mr Miller was back at the front of the hall, praising her class for their excellent participation. "And I am sure you will all join with me in giving Ricky Wilson a round of applause and saying thank you."

Rosie joined in with the clapping, watching Ricky at the front taking a bow. She saw his eyes sort her our amongst the dwindling staff who had begun to realise they had to get back to work and gave her a wave. She waved back, looking round to see that no other staff were taking notice. He thanked the children who were then asked by Mr Miller to line up ready to go back to class.

By the time, Rosie had got to the front of the line to lead her class out, Ricky was in conversation with some of the other staff. He didn't see her as she guided her class out, but was aware as soon as he'd finished that she was no longer in the room.

The classroom was full of chatter as the children returned from changing in their respective cloakrooms and returned to their seats.

"Did you enjoy that Miss?" Jamie asked, sitting down at his carefully position table in front of Rosie's desk. "You looked like you didn't!" She could always rely on Jamie to be honest. But before she could answer, another question was shot at her.

"Do you watch The Voice Miss Cooper? My mum watches it all the time and she says she'd be on team Ricky." Milly informed her.

"Yeah, so would mine!" came a shout from somewhere.

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