Reckless Thought

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Rosie took the flight of steps in front of her and seeing an open door on the next floor, she hesitated.

"Go in," Ricky said behind her. Rosie tried hard to control her breathing that had got a little out of control with her nerves. A little puff out of air and she stepped into the hallway.

She could hear music coming from the first doorway. She was sure it was Kylie Minogue and she felt the edges of her mouth begin to twitch in amusement. Ricky caught her eye as her smirk became wider and the chorus of All The Lovers rang out.

"Can't beat a bit of Kylie I say." Ricky joined in with her grin.

Slipping her shoes off, Rosie followed Ricky into the room. She couldn't help but look around. It was a large room, grey painted walls and wooden flooring, a definite bachelor pad. The kitchen area was to one end and two sofas at the other, a television between them. A table with four chairs sat beneath the windows which were wide open,  letting in the cooler evening air and the hubbub of the street below.

Ricky stood back as if allowing Rosie time to take in the surroundings. She almost jumped as behind her he asked, "Can I get you a drink?"

"Yes, thank you. A diet coke or something,"  she said,  stepping towards the table to set down her bag and looking out of the window to the pub opposite. She turned back and watched as Ricky took a bottle from his fridge and poured a glass.  Picking up the bottle of beer he'd already started, he gestured towards the sofas and following him, Rosie sat down on the one opposite Ricky.

"You don't fancy a beer I'm guessing?"  he teased her.

"No," Rosie took a sip of her drink. "I had just a little too much last night."
Ricky nodded, but didn't comment, so Rosie continued. "I'm sorry about the texts last night. I thought you were being short with me. But I argued with myself that I was being paranoid, that's why I rang you." She added another sorry.

"No need to apologise. You can ring anytime." Ricky's tongue appeared, licking his lip slightly nervously before he asked, "Did you have a good evening?" 

Rosie was shocked by his question. Did he want details?  Did he really want to know about her evening with her boyfriend? "It was OK. I drank to make it easier if I'm honest." She looked up into his eyes, "To make up for the fact that I wasn’t with you." She tried to calm her breathing again.

Ricky smiled. "I had hoped for a special night, but..." Silence hung between them. "Have you eaten?"  Ricky suddenly asked her. Rosie shook her head. "I was going to cook or we could get something in..."

"Cooking something would be fine. I could help." Ricky got to his feet and Rosie watched as he walked over to the fridge.

"I've got mince. I was going to do a chilli." He turned to look at Rosie. She had got up and was behind him.

"Chilli is fine. Thank you," Seeing Ricky look at her, Rosie felt a quiver inside. He looked away to take other things he needed from the cupboard and Rosie took another step forward, leaning her hand on the work surface.  Partly to be nearer to Ricky, partly just to hold herself up. Perhaps she would have a beer in a little while.

They made polite small talk about their days as Rosie began to open packets and tins and Ricky put a pan on the hob. Ricky found it easy to talk to her. He kept catching her eye though, as she looked at him a little too long. Rosie probably felt the same about him. She stood talking about school as she pushed the contents of the pan around. He looked at her profile, her hair scrapped up in to a ponytail, not down as it had been on Sunday.

Rosie felt Ricky take a step towards her and she stopped mid-story, turning to look at him. "Go on!"  he encouraged her, wanting to hear the end of her story.

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