Thursday Night

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Thank you for reading my story. Hope you are enjoying reading it as much as I'm enjoying writing it.

Rosie hated playground duty on the best of days. And today, as the poor weather reflected her mood, she was enjoying it even less. She paced around, hood up, trying to dodge the odd raindrop that fell. Not that the children were bothered as they raced around, having there twenty minutes of freedom. Rosie really hadn't felt like going to work that morning. She hadn't slept particularly well and her mind was certainly not on teaching the children who depended upon her. Having gone home alone last night, Rosie had been an emotional wreck. Lee had told her he loved her, admitting he knew he hardly told her.  Hearing that from the man she'd been with for ten years, how could she then think about ringing another man? She had decided to put an end to it now,  before they slipped any further down the slide she knew they were just about to both step on to.

But Rosie's heart had trouble accepting what her brain was telling her. She had tossed and turned all night, confused as to what to do. She'd hoped being in school would take her mind off it. No. Rosie wanted to be anywhere but in her classroom. Germany. With Ricky. That was where her mind was at.

Teaching didn't naturally lend itself to time to yourself obviously.  There was always a child's needs to be dealt with. So Rosie hadn’t looked at her phone until nearly the end of her lunch hour. Fourteen emails. That was twice as many than the usual Monday morning drop-ins to her inbox. She opened up her app.

Ricky Wilson
Ricky Wilson
Ricky Wilson
Ricky Wilson

Rosie scrolled through, seeing endless emails from him.

Morning Rosie,
I thought emailing would be safe, especially on a Monday morning. Thought I might have heard from you last night.
Ricky x

Rosie's stomach began to tie itself in to a knot.

Just realised that you are a normal person with a normal job, so I doubt you have time to look at your emails.
Let me know when we can chat. After school?

Ricky x

She swallowed and wiped at her eyes, before opening the next email.

Sorry, I didn't mean that. You are far from normal!!!  I'll leave you alone now. Go and mark some books or dish out some lines to naughty children!

Ricky x

This brought a smile to her face. The following few of emails were photos of an airport lounge, an aeroplane and then a German airport. But it was the last email that put the cat among the pigeons for Rosie and occupied her mind all afternoon.

I must be getting completely annoying now. I little scared that you haven't replied, BUT I understand, you are working and not a good for nothing lay about like me. We're in Germany now but I'll be back, Thursday just after lunch. I want to see you. Can we arrange something?

Ricky x

As usual, Rosie was at the staff meeting in body but not in mind. Ricky’s words from his emails were ingrained on her brain. The sweet cross kisses particularly. She hadn't replied,  knowing she'd pluck up the courage to ring him that evening. She had an hour and a half of meeting time to plan what she would say.

Rosie had given herself a light evening marking wise, getting the class to peer mark and comment on each other's work. She now lay on the sofa, mobile in hand.  Ricky’s number was on the screen. Ninety minutes of thinking had not led her to any conclusion. Her head was still saying end it now. Her heart was saying you've only got one life, take everything it's got to give.

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