PE Timetable

211 8 3

Sorry, couldn't wait to post this one!

First lesson was over. Rosie had popped into the staffroom for her third cup of coffee of the day.

"Tea and coffee money due!" Sally, the school administrator in charge of such things called our to no one in particular. A selection of eyebrows raised and calls of 'Yes Sally!' went around the room.

Rosie sidled up to her Year 5 partner teacher. "I don't think I've paid last term's yet," she said smiling and sipping her coffee.

"You rebel!" Carrie said, looking round to see where Sally was. "Nor have I!"  The two of them laughed. "How was Cornwall?"  Carrie asked as they took a seat together for a few minutes.

"Absolutely gorgeous. I'd go back like a shot. The weather made it really though." Rosie told her, thinking that perhaps something else might have made it for her too.

"You've certainly got a good colour to you!" The staffroom door suddenly swung open. "Her she is," Carrie muttered under her breath. "Hi Sarah!"  Carrie shouted across the room.

"Morning Carrie! Good holiday?" But Sarah didn't wait for a reply. They watched as dressed in a black tracksuit, brand new trainers, whistle round her neck and clipboard in her hand, Sarah, the new PE Subject Leader made her way straight to the timetable notice board. "Rosie are you definitely in for PE in the hall tomorrow straight after lunch?"

"Well after register and the kids getting changed yes. Why? Oh don't say Year 6 are kicking us out the hall for the end of year production already!" Carrie tutted her agreed annoyance.

"No, nothing like that.  I might pop in and observe your lesson.  Just to get a feel what's going on in the school."

"The power has gone to her head,"  Carrie muttered under her breath, making Rosie giggle.

"What was that Carrie?" There was a definite standoffish tone to her words.

"Just saying Rosie should make sure her kids have to proper PE kits. Mine have been terrible with forgetting lately!" Rosie was impressed at how Carrie could always get herself out of a situation. 

"Well yes, of course.  Make sure it's the right kit too. Far too many football shirts creeping in last time I saw Year 5 doing PE. I'll definitely be in so make sure you get in the hall as soon as possible." And with that she turned on her heels and was gone.

"Yes Sir!" Rosie saluted her. "I better actually look at the planning then, not make it up as I go along like usual!"  Carrie laughed as they stood up to return to class.

"Oh I saw Lee weekend before last, down at The Creek, the nightclub bit. He was hammered." Carrie told her as a child ran past them and got a double telling off from both teachers.

"I bet he was. Lee seems to spend most of his time in pubs or clubs hammered when I'm not about!"

"He must have been missing you!"  Carrie said in a lovey dovey voice.

"Is that what you call it? I don't think so. I saw him the night I got back and I haven't seen him since.  He went to football, then out with his mates Saturday, then he was working overtime on Sunday and was too tired to do anything Sunday night!"

Carrie could not help but get the impression Rosie was extremely annoyed. "You get weekends like that though don't you?"

"Weekends, weeks, months... It's all getting a bit tiresome really. This summer holiday I just want to get our house really moving. If we lived together I think it would..."  Rosie stopped.  Would what? What was she going to say? Carrie's attention was taken by a year 3 child hitting another with a ball on the head and she'd left Rosie's side.

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