I'm Home

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I'm home

Rosie had left it until Friday morning to message Lee that she was home. She had travelled back with Ricky on Thursday and had gone back to his flat in Camden for the night, neither of them wanting to leave each other and taking the opportunity to spend every last minute together.

Ricky had band commitments and was due to go to a festival in Spain over the weekend. Leaving him Friday morning had been difficult. They had arranged to see each other again on Monday when he returned.

As Rosie had sat on the train Friday morning, she had thought about how she was going to tell Lee that she no longer wanted to be with him. She hadn't discussed it with Ricky,  though he knew it had all been playing on her mind Thursday evening. He had broached the subject,  but having the distinct impression Rosie didn't what to talk, he had very quickly left the subject alone.

But Rosie was at home now, back to the normality if washing and hanging out clothes to dry. She was in the garden when she heard the front door slam. Nervously walking to the patio doors, she was relieved to see it was Lee. Relief was soon replaced by confusion.

"What are you doing here?"  she asked,  not understanding why Lee would be away from work at eleven thirty on a Friday morning.

"Hello Lee. How are you?  Nice to see you,"  he said sarcastically.

"Why aren't you at work?" Rosie continued with her questions.

Lee mumbled something as he plonked himself down on the sofa.

"What?"  Rosie asked,  beginning to get angry.

"I said I've been sacked!" Lee stared at Rosie as she sat down next to him, a look of astonishment on her face.

"You've been sacked?  How do you get yourself sacked from being a plumber Lee?"  It was full blown anger now.

"I don't want to talk about it." He was mumbling again and had looked away.

"Well I'm sorry, but you're going to have to talk about it!" she shouted. "What have you done?"

"I turned up drunk," Lee's reply was barely audible.

"Did you say drunk?" Rosie had lowered her own voice. Lee nodded, feeling Rosie's eyes burning into his face.

"Twice. I got a warning the first time and I was lucky to get that!" He still couldn't bring himself to look at her.

Rosie stood up, hands on hips. "When?"

"The first time was months ago. I was still pissed from a Sunday night session with Steve and some of the other lads." Lee rubbed his eyes; Rosie wasn't sure if he was crying. "The second time was last Monday. 'Cause you weren't here, I went out with Mike after we'd got back from Southend. We didn't get in until six in the morning. We'd been to a club up town. I was going to ring in sick,  but I thought I'd be alright."

"You weren't driving were you?" Rosie suddenly panicked, positive that Lee wouldn't have been that stupid. He shook his head.

"One of the guys picked me up. Gary, the new manager, had me in his office as soon as I stepped in the door near enough, gave me my marching orders." Lee released his grip on his face. His skin was wet. "I'm sorry Rosie, I've been an absolute prick."

Rosie had never seen anything like tears on Lee's face before. She dropped her shoulders as she sighed heavily.

"So what are you going to do? We've got to pay our for the house." Rosie's voice had elevated again. Lee's was back to a mumble.

"I thought we might sell it."

Rosie was lost for words. All this time. All this time of Rosie moaning they never did anything and suggesting they sell it. Now he wanted to.

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