Sherlock: Ghost stories (AU)

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Paring: Sherlock x reader
Word count: 1005

"No... this isn't real. Please John tell me that this is a lie.", you cried, "he can't be....", your voice broke, "dead.... I mean he's Sherlock. He can't be dead." John hugged you while you stood in front of Sherlock Holmes grave.
"I know... I'm so sorry.", his voice was soft while a single tear ran down his cheek.
"Why would he do that to us?", you broke down sobbing, "You know what's the worst part, John? I-I never got to tell him that I-I", you paused because your heart broke inside your chest," love him."

You woke up in the middle of the night. As you opened your eyes, you felt a few last tears streaming down your cheeks. You looked at your watch: 02:30 am. You sighted. The last nights were really bad. You woke up in the middle of the night, crying and dreaming about the death of the only person you would ever really love... afterwards it was impossible to find sleep again. The rest of the night you would spend in front of your telly watching love movies, eating ice cream and crying. Not the healthiest way to live, you knew that.

It's been two years since Sherlock committed suicide and after all, you weren't even a bit over him. Your brother, John was able to move on, he met Mary and fell in love, but you? You stuck inside a circle of grief and not being able to move on. Not being able to forget him, not being able to stop loving him.

You left your warm comfortable bed and as your feet touched the cold, wooden floor, shivers went down your spine. You slowly walked towards your bedroom door and entered your living room.
You switched on the light plus your telly and sat down.

Suddenly you heard a strange sound, it sounded as if you could hear the electricity rushing inside your telly. Without any reason, the screen suddenly cracked open and a bright white light filled up the whole room.

You were terrified and reflexively you closed your eyes.
What the hell just happened. You had no idea. You never had heard anything about white lightnings coming from TVs and exploding in the middle of the night.
After a few seconds the light was gone again and as you opened your eyes, everything was dark. The lights were switched off and you sat in complete dark.
You felt anxiety creeping up your back and causing you goosebumps.

You tried to focus yourself, you simply had to take 3 steps until you reached the light switch. Stop watching so much Supernatural, (Y/N). This is just a technical problem nothing more, you tried to tell yourself.

You waited for a second just to make sure nothing bad would happen, then you got up from your seat. Just as you got up, the lights instantly began to flicker.
GO AND GET THE FREAKING SALT, you thought to yourself.

You simply stood there. Not able to move, too scared of what could happen next. You looked at the TV and saw grey smoke coming from the crack in the middle of the screen.
All of the sudden the lights turned out and everything was dark again.
Your eyes started to get used to the dark when suddenly many glowing particles formed the shape of a person.

"(Y/N)? Can you hear me?", the illusion asked while taking shape of a person you knew too well. A person you've just dreamed of.

"Sherlock?", you asked whispering.
"Ah, brilliant, you have no idea how long it took me to mange to take shape and talk to you.", he sounded proud of himself.
"Aren't you dead?", you asked confused.
"Well, technically yes but I'm obviously a ghost now. If people die and their souls can't move on, they transform into matter and have nowhere else to go.", he stated matter-of-factly.

"You got to be kidding me...", you exclaimed. You didn't know whether to cry because of happiness or because of grief.
"Don't be silly, (Y/N).", he replied serious.
"Silly? Silly?! I thought you were dead. I thought you died. And now, you show up in the middle of the night, telling me you're a ghost that never moved on and you had nowhere to go and found me again?!", you shrieked and looked at the gleaming, transparent image of Sherlock. His black curls glowed and his blue eyes shown bright. "Well, hi I missed you, too.", you said with a bit if sarcasm and broke the accruing silence between you.

He chuckled lightly, "You have no idea how hard it was to take real form."
You chuckled: "No, I suppose I'm not ghosty enough to know."
You looked at each other and you felt how tears filled up your eyes.
"(Y/N)", his deep voice hypnotised you, "Listen, I don't have much time, that's why it has to be this quick.", Ghost Sherlock looked you deep in the eye.
"I have to tell you something important.", he continued.

"I have to tell you something, too. The day you-died, i headed to St. Barts to tell you-", you said while tears finally rolled down your cheeks but he stopped you.
"(Y/N), stop. I have to tell you something and this might be the last time I will get the chance to tell you.", his image started to flicker. You could see he tried his best to keep the connection.

You heard your heartbeat in your ear and you felt the adrenaline in your blood.

"(Y/N).", Sherlock voice was shaking, " I wanted to tell you that I lov-"
The lights turned on again and his image disappeared within milliseconds.
He was gone. Again.

And here you stood. All alone. In the middle of your room. Tears streamed down your face. You knew what he wanted to say.
"I love you too, Sherlock.", you whispered into the empty room.

A/N: Soo I'll steal a bit of your time now...^^
Firstly, I'd like to remind you that I'm open for any kind of request! Just comment and I will write you one as soon as possible😏😉

Wow, it reaaaally took me long to write this one. I don't even know why tho 😂
Anyway, I hope you liked it!!👹

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