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Hi, it's me again. I hope you are enjoying the story. Thanks for reading!

Nico's POV

I'm kind of grateful that Leo asked me to go on a tour with him. The awkward silence in that room was unbearable. I quietly follow him down the hall and up the stairs.

"Thank you," I say quietly. He jumps at my voice.

"Geez! You scared me, man. Give a man a heart attack why don't ya?" he laughs. "For what?"

"For getting me out of that super awkward situation," I say, laughing softly, stepping onto the main deck behind him.

"Oh, yeah. No problem," he smiles.

Wow. That smile... it's...

I mentally slap myself.

No. No, I will not like this guy. Not his dazaling smile. His curly hair. That mischievous look in his eyes...



I fall backward and hit my head on the floor.

"Ow.." I sit up slowly and rub the back of my head, where a bump is already rising.

"Dude, are you okay?" Leo stands over me. "How many fingers am I holding up?"

I look up at him. "Four?"

He just smiles.

Damn that smile.

"Close enough." he holds out his hand. I reluctantly grab it and he pulls me up. I sway slightly on my feet and look up at the mast where, when I wasn't paying attention, I smacked my shoulder into. I softly rub my shoulder, sighing.

"How many fingers were you holding up." I ask, wondering how hurt I was.

He smiles again, "Two." he laughs.

"Oh." I look down at my feet again.

He just shakes his head softly, chuckling.

Great. He probably thinks I'm an idiot now.

Wait, why do I care? I just met the guy.

He walks around a bit, showing me where everything is. I just smile and nod, paying basicly no attention.

We head back down to where the cabins are and he looks at me with a questioning look.

"What?" I ask, completly oblivious to what he just said.

He laughs softly. "I said, we only have seven cabins so, you'll have to room with someone. Not Piper, Hazel, or Annabeth, obviously. You seem kind of umcomfortable with Percy so, not him. Frank is terrified of you so, no. I guess that means you can choose between Jason or me." he smiles again.

Oh Hades. That smile will be the death of me.

"But I'm rarely in my room. I speand most of my time in the boiler room or my workshop. So, you can room with me."

I look up at him slowly. Our eyes meet and I feel a rush of heat flare through my face. I quickly look back down.

"Okay." I mumble.

"Great." I can practicly hear his smile in his voice.


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