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Yay, another chapter! If you like Percico then read my other story! Enjoy!

Nico's POV

"It's the Argo...the first one."

Everyone is stunned into silence.

Finally Frank breaks it.

"Wait, the first Argo? With Jason? The first Jason?"

Suddenly the ship lurches to the right.

Looking over the railing again I see an anchor tied to a long rope wedged into the hull of the Argo 2. The ship shifts again.

"Whoa!" Annabeth stumbles and bumps into Piper, both falling to the floor.

Hazel grips the side so not to fall.

Stumbling backward I trip over my own feet and fall to the ground, landing right on Leo. He looks up at me with his deep brown eyes.

"Hiya," he smiles shyly from beneath me, his sweet breath tickling my nose.

"Hi." I smile down at him and slowly start to lift myself off of him.

The ship shifts again and I fall back down on him.

"Ow." my eyes widen in panic.

"I'm so sorry!" I quickly get off of him and hold my hand out for him.

He takes hold of it, sending shivers up my arm and down my spine.

"Dude, chill. It's fine. I'm okay." Leo pulls himself up and smiles at me, still holding tightly to my hand. I feel my cheeks heat up and I quickly look away, hoping he doesn't see the flush painted on my face.

Oh, my gods Nico. Get a grip. He is just holding your hand because he literally JUST pulled himself up. No need to get excited.

Beep beep beep

A bright red light flashes on the control panel. Festus makes some clicking and whirling sounds that Leo somehow understands.

Leo's eyes widen "We're loosing altitude!" he runs over to the control panel, pulling me along with him. He pushes a few buttons and pulls a couple levers, letting go of my hand.


The ship jolts upward as the thrusters ignited, throwing us the the floor.

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