Sing for me

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Hi!! Wow, thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoy!
Leo's POV
The sun shines through the porthole and right in my face. I try to sit up but I feel a weight on my arm.
I look over at him.
He looks so peaceful. Almost angelic. Beautiful.
Carefully I brush the hair from his face. Slowly his eyes flutter open.
"Morning Sunshine" I chuckle.
He smiles softly. "Good morning."
"How did you sleep?" I personally didn't have my usual nightmares. Or any dreams for that matter.
"Actually, I slept really good. No nightmares." He says softly.
"Me neither."
He furrows his brow in confusion.
"What?" I question his look.
Shouldn't we be happy we didn't have any nightmares?
"Nothing. It's just weird. I always have nightmares."
"Do you think it means something?" I'm starting to worry now.
"I don't know. Let's just get ready for the day." Nico stands up and stretches his long limbs. He walks out the open door and heads to the bathroom. I, reluctantly, stand up and walk over to my dresser, grabbing some random clothes, and follow Nico's lead to the bathrooms.
Inside I hear Nico taking a shower, probably washing off the blood from last night. I saw how many scars he has. Tons of them, crisscrossing his arms in the attempt to feel something other than hate for himself. I take off my shirt and look at my own arms. They're identical to his. Paper thin cuts running along my wrists. I've only known him for three days but, I already feel so close to him. I look up in the mirror and see that the dark circles under my eyes have somewhat faded. That dreamless sleep left me well rested for once. I can still see my bones poking through my skin from the lack of food I've been getting. Or rather not been getting. My skin is stretched thin over my ribs and my hip bones are extremely visible, to the point of being very unhealthy. My cheeks look hollow and my skin is paler than it uses to be.
I look like shit.
I think back to Nico, how he looks similar to me, but he makes it look elegant and beautiful. He walks with grace and eases like he's floating. But here I am looking like a zombie.
I put my clean shirt on and change into my jeans. Brushing my teeth I hear a soft voice coming from the shower.
"Let me go... and I just can't look. It's killing me... and taking control... jealousy, turning saints into the sea. Twirling through sick lullabies. Choking on your alibis. But it's just the price I pay! Destiny is calling me. Open up my eager eyes... cause I'm Mr.Brightside!"
With a sudden realization I turn quickly and look at the door Nico is behind.
Oh, gods on Olympus. He's singing in the shower! That's so cute!
His silky voice flows through the air and makes me smile.
Great! He's good looking, sweet, AND he can sing?!
He stops singing and I hear the shower shut off. Minutes later he comes out with his hair dripping wet and fresh clothes on. He stops short when he sees me.
"Oh, I didn't know anyone was in here." His face turns red and I just stare at him, dumbstruck. ""

"You sing like a god!" I cut him off. His face instantly darkens into a deep red.

" you-"

"Holy shit! That was beautiful!" I yell.

"Shhhh!" He flaps his hands around. "I don't want the whole crew to hear!"

"Why the hell not?! You're amazing!" I grab his shoulders and shake him around in excitement.

"It's just... I've never sung in front of anyone before." He looks down at his feet. I let go of him and take a breath, calming down.

"Seriously Nico, you have talent."

He smiles shyly. "Thanks."

I step forward and tilt his chin up so I can look him in the eye, our noses an inch apart.

"You're very welcome." I smile at him and look into his deep eyes.

"Nico! Leo!" Piper's voice rings through the ship.

We jump away from each other just as the door is opening and Jason pokes his head in.

"There you are!" He turns his head. "Found them!" He calls up the stairs. He turns to look at us, a suspicious look on his face.

"Whatcha two doing?" He cocks his eyebrow.

"Nothing!" We yell on unison, our faces flushed.

"Okay, okay," he holds his hands up defensively. "Just checking. We have a meeting in five." He closes the door quickly.

For a minute we just stand there, looking at each other. But I can't take it anymore.

"So...maybe you can sing for me sometime." I smile sheepishly.

"Okay." Nico smiles back at me.

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