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Again I am so sorry that I haven't updated but I just found my paper copy of this chapter but then I needed to change a few things so, again I am sorry. And don't forget to check out my Instagram (username is dealwithitshannen) where I will be posting sneak peeks of my stories and sharing some of my favorite authors!  Anyway, I hope you enjoy.

Nico's POV
All eight of us sit around the table, conversing quietly.
Except for Percy and Jason, of course.

"What do you mean you've never seen The Little Mermaid ?!" Percy yells across the table.

"It's a little girls movie!" Jason shouts back.
Percy turns red from anger. He launches himself across the table and jumps at Jason. They fall to the ground wrestling.

Calmly, Piper stands up like this happens all the time. "Boys, seriously, every time. Stop fighting."

Her charmspeak washes over them, calming their rage. Percy climbs off of Jason and helps him up on his feet.

"Seriously man, we need to have a Disney movie marathon," he says pointing to Jason. "Okay," he turns to the rest of us "back to business. We are running low on supplies so Leo, we need to find a spot that has everything we need. Ambrosia, nectar, etc, and we need to start making repairs."

"You got it, boss." Leo playfully winks at Percy. He just rolls his eyes in return.

"Another thing, Jason-"


We all jump at the sudden commotion from above deck.

"Leo, please tell me that was the engine or something," Annabeth says calmly.

"I wish it was."

Percy is the first to take action, taking Riptide out of his pocket and popping off the cap. Jason pulls his coin from his jeans, flipping it in the air. He catches the gladius in hand and stands ready.


I unsheathe my sword and get ready.

"Go!" yells Jason.

Everyone charges out of the dining room and runs up the stairs onto the deck.

"Oh, schist."

Venti or storm spirits are flying everywhere.

"Get down!" Annabeth yells. Just then a cannon ball comes sailing towards our ship slamming into the mast.

"Seriously?! Why do they always go for the mast?!" I hear Leo screech from my left.

I slowly smile.

Finally, a fight.

"What was that?!" I look over at Percy. He's running his hand through his messy black hair. If I wasn't over him I would have swooned.

Haha yeah, that ship has sailed.

Hazel runs over to the railing and looks down below.

"Oh, my gods."

"What?" I run to her side and look down. "Oh, my gods." I turn to look back to look at the confused crew on the Argo 2.

"It's the Argo...the first one."

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