Chapter 7 - Not So Peaceful Sleep

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It was Stanley, of course it was Stanley. Who else could it be? I ripped the flowers off my door and threw them into the trash as I walked in. I placed the food on the side and went straight into my bedroom to find my phone. My phone was under the dresser. I was glad to see that it still worked. I wrote him an angry text but didn't mention that I was almost killed. Would he even care? I just wanted him out of my life for good. After, I blocked his number, I didn't need a reply. I think he'll get the message after this. I sighed and finally sat and ate my food. It was so good, Chinese food fixes everything.

I kept on looking at my phone. I knew Stanley couldn't reply to me but that didn't stop me from wanting him to. I loved him, truly loved him but I was just some fun. I was just the other woman. Why would he leave me those flowers though? Carnations aren't even my favourite flower. And the colour white. Why white? I don't want to be with Stanley now. I just want to him to be sorry. He doesn't understand what he's done to me. He has to feel the pain I've felt.

'Just let it go Madi' I told myself 'He's not worth it'.

Yet again I was getting worked up. I had to calm down and forget about it. I knew I couldn't get straight to sleep without the help of those tablets. I knew deep down that I shouldn't take them, but I swallowed 4 again and sat on the sofa. My brain was still awake thinking about how much I hated Stanley. Maybe I should get revenge. I thought about all the possible ways I could get back at him. Tell his wife. That would ruin is life. I'm not a nasty person, I couldn't do that. My thoughts took a sinister turn and I was suddenly thinking about all the way I could torture him. Make him feel the worst pain possible. Of course all of these were just thoughts; I wouldn't actually do these things to him. Strangely, it somehow made me calm down enough to enter a peaceful sleep.

I was drifting in and out consciousness. Something didn't feel right but I quickly pushed the thought out. I shifted my body into a more comfortable position.

"Why would you throw my gift in to the trash doll face?"

My eyes immediately sprung open.

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