Chapter 11 - I'll Remember

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It took me some time but I managed to clean the floor so that it looked practically brand new. I, on the other hand looked like a character from The Shining. I tiptoed to my dresser and carefully grabbed some clean clothes. He was in a deep sleep. I watched his chest rise up and down with each breathe; I couldn't help but smile to myself 'I saved a life'.

I walked to the shower and undressed myself. I placed my bloody clothes into a trash bag. They were past the point of saving. Now that I had a moment of peace to myself, I made the most of it. The shower was steaming hot and in a matter of no time the room became a sauna. I washed myself and then let the water run over me. The water changed from red back to crystal clear in a matter of no time. I stayed longer then I should, just standing there thinking about the past couple of days. It didn't feel real. It did feel like a dream. My life was so boring and all of a sudden it had erupted into what I can only describe as pure chaos. It was only then that I realised I was singing in the shower. Everyone does it but I hadn't realised until I woke up from my daydream.

I carried on singing whilst I dried myself and got dressed. I felt relaxed for the first time in ages. Even though I had a stranger in my bedroom, I somehow knew he wasn't going to hurt me. He knew I couldn't harm him too.

I entered the living room only to find him looking at something in the corner of the room. I didn't think anything of it and asked him if he was feeling any better.

"Oh I'm fine, the darn thing will heal" he turned to face me and gave a smirk. It was the first time seeing him new body fully animated. It still shocked me; I couldn't stop looking at his eyes. His hair had become vibrant and all the colour had been drained from his skin but he still had his bright blue eyes.

"Listen I have to go, I'll remember what you've done for me."

He grinned, before I could object, he was out the door.

I went to see what he was looking at in the corner of the room. He had found an old pack of cards and had opened them. On one particular card he had written 'YOU WILL SEE ME AGAIN XOXO'. It was written on the Joker.

I Started a Joke - A Jared Leto Joker FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now