『 Pure 』

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                    ❏Kuro: 18 - Mahiru:15❏

“Kuro, do you want to come over after school?” Mahiru asked his boyfriend Kuro Ash , who was a third year and Mahiru was a first year. “Yeah, I'll bring some snacks over. I also bought your favorite chips and gummy bears.” Mahiru smiled gleefully and clapped. “yum~!” He hummed in satisfaction. “ne.. nii-san. How come you don't ever let us tell dirty jokes anymore?” Hyde whispered to his older brother. “Because if any of you ruin his mind, I will blow your brains out.” Kuro scoffed, trying to push away the topic. “Oh come on, Kuro. Everyone in this group has had sex more than once, its our thing to tell dirty jokes and stories.” Kuro was getting angry, Mahiru noticed the way Kuro would clench his fist tightly, but he was to far away to intervene.

“Who cares about that, what's so wrong with my boyfriend being pure? There's no way I'd want you guys ruining his innocence.” He growled, making his little brother angry now. “Dont tell me..” Hyde laughed loudly, getting Mahiru's attention. The brunette decided to go grab Kuro and go home. “Youve gone soft, nii-san?” Hyde chuckled, holding his stomach. Kuro looked off to the side, not wanting to feel ashamed.  “no. I haven't gone soft.” Kuro instantly regretted saying those words. “you want me to fuck him so bad? because I will, I'll take him to an empty classroom right now and fuck him good , and ruin all of his purity.” Kuro cocked an eyebrow at his little brother. “...Kuro?” the bluenette flinched, quickly turning around to face his boyfriend, a smile on his face. “Mahiru, what's up?” Mahiru looked at Kuro sadly.

“Dont give me that. Why are you talking like that, and about me? I thought you said you'd wait until we were married. Are you breaking your promise?” Kuro sighed, shaking his head. “No, Mahiru I promise it isn't like that. I know what I said just now, and I didn't mean any of it.” Kuro tried to avoid all eye contact with Mahiru, because he knew if he looked into those beautiful brown eyes , he would start crying. “May I intrude for a moment?” A teenage girl giggled, walking her way to Hyde. “Hey Ophelia!” Hyde hugged her tightly. “Hey Hyde, Hey Licht-kun.” She waved at Licht, receiving a wave back. “Oh! Kuro, nice to see you again.” She walked up to Kuro, kissing his lips lightly. “Lasy night was fun, why don't you come back tonight, you know?” She purred.

Mahiru looked heartbroken. He thought Kuro didn't want him anymore. “K-Kuro Ash. I'm breaking up with you!” Mahiru shouted, teary eyed as he ran away from his ex-boyfriend. Kuro's pupils dialted and were now small, his breathing was ragged and heavy and he felt his eyes tear up. “Now that that's over, You can find someone who isn't some freak.” Hyde laughed. Licht, Misono, Tetsu and Lilly looked down, sad for Kuro. Kuro let out a choked sob and pushed Ophelia away, running from the group and to his home.


Its been a month since then. Mahiru went back to school the day after he broke up with Kuro. He and Kuro would always see each other in the halls, the cafeteria , and when Kuro was hanging out with their group. But, Mahiru hadn't seen Kuro in a month. “Oh, He refuses to come to school anymore , but tomorrow he's supposed to come and sign papers in order to drop out.” Mahiru's expression saddened. Kuro wasn't going to graduate, he wasn't going to go to college or do anything. “Thanks Licht. You're a good friend.” Licht smiled, nodding. “Anything for a friend.” Mahiru and Licht hugged before Mahiru took off towards Kuro's house.

Seeing as he still had a spare key, he went inside. “Kuro?” Mahiru called out softly, removing his shoes. He walked to the living room, but everything was dark and in place. “..Kuro?” Mahiru called out again, walking towards Kuro's bedroom. “Im coming in.” Mahiru said, opening the door to Kuro's room. “Pardon the intrusion.” He whispered. Everything was fine in the room, besides a few holes in the light blue colored walls, trash everywhere, and a bundled up Kuro lying on a bed. “Kuro, why are you dropping out?” Mahiru walked up to the bed, removing the blanket. “Go away, Mahiru.” Kuro whispered , his eyelids drooping. “No, I'm not going to leave until you tell me why.” Kuro sighed, sitting up in his bed, facing the brunette.

“I want to move.” Mahiru's eyes saddened as he looked at Kuro. “No, why would you do that?” Kuro clicked his tongue, looking weirdly at the brunette. “why would you care? you broke up with me and didn't even let me tell you my side of the story, you never do. I never slept with Ophelia not once! I wouldn't have anyways because I have you, and I will wait for you to be ready, and I'll only do it , if you're okay with it. All that stuff I said to Hyde, I was lying. I wasn't going to make you do anything you didn't want. I want you happy Mahiru, I love you.” Mahiru felt a tear drop on his cheek. Kuro had cupped Mahiru's face and was looking down on it.

“I believe you.. I'm sorry.” Mahiru hugged the bluenette tightly, receiving a hug back. “Im ready, Kuro.” Kuro nodded, rubbing Mahiru's back.

“a-ah..nngh.” Mahiru groaned and whimpered as Kuro entered him. “im going to move now, okay?” Mahiru nodded, his hands running up and down Kuro's back. Kuro leaned down, kissing the brunette sweetly as he slowly moved his hips, Mahiru's whimpering against his lips made him even more aroused. “more..” Mahiru moaned softly, his facial expression enough to tell Kuro exactly what he wanted. Kuro held onto Mahiru's waist, bringing his hips back before slamming them into Mahiru's behind. Mahiru's moans were loud enough to echo through the entire house. Kuro grunted and moaned, feeling Mahiru tighten around his member. “f-feels so good! Kuro, i-i love you.” Kuro smiled, bringing their lips together again in a sweet kiss.

“I love you more. Be mine again?” Kuro grunted, pounding roughly into the younger teen . “y-YES! Ugh~! God Kuro~!” Mahiru screamed, coming at an instant, getting it all over himself. Kuro moaned deeply, holding onto the headboard as he came inside of the brunette.

the two panted, cuddling each other. “I really love you Mahiru.” Mahiru smiled. “I know, and I was never pure to begin with. I know everything about sex and such, Licht tells me things.” Kuro sighed heavily, groaning lowly as he said the famous words “What a pain.”

❏Hey guys! Here's an update for ya, wow I've been updating like crazy today haa. Anyways, enjoy this one shot although it probably doesn't make much sense. it was originally going to be a fluff but eh, screw it. ❏

ja na ~


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