Twenty. ( Finale )

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Walter's POV

The Next Morning...

I woke up and I thought about last night. Maybe I was a little hard on them. I mean, Elijah and Aria do look happy together and it's obvious that Mike and Raelynn, and Princeton and Da'Niyah are dating.

I mean, I dated a fan and I ended up marrying her. I just didn't tell them because I knew that they would've said "I told you so." I ain't got time for that. I should just be an adult, apologize, tell the boys that they're hired and the girls can stay.

In Aria and Elijah's Room...

"Guys, open up, please. I need to speak to all of you," I said as I knocked on the door. "It's open!" Aria said. I opened up the door and they all had their bags and suitcases beside them.

"Listen, forget what I said last night, ok? I really enjoy you guys and I really really enjoy working with you all." Everyone looked at each other then looked at me.

"Well, we ready appreciate that, but we can't work with you anymore," Elijah said. I was confused. "What? What do you mean?" I asked. "I mean, we can't help how we feel about each other. Me and the boys really care about these girls and you want us to break up with them because of our jobs," Mike said.

"Come on. I said I was sorry," I said. "No, we're sorry that we asked you to be our manager," Prince said. I looked at him in shock. "Jacob." He looked at me with anger. "Look here, you won't be getting no more extra money from me. You here me?"

"Wait, extra money?" Aria asked. "You've been giving him more money than us? Man, that's not fair. Prince, why didn't you tell us?" Elijah asked. "Walter told me not to tell y'all but don't worry. I'll split the money so we can have the same amount."

"Thanks," Mike and Elijah said. "Wow, that's really messed up, Walter," Raelynn said. "Look, I apologize for that. Now, come on. We gotta get going," I said. "Oh, we're not going with you," Elijah said. "Why? Let's go! I ain't got time to be playing with y'all!" I raised my voice.

"We don't need yo sorry a-" Prince said but was cut off by Da'Niyah covering his mouth. "Ok, if you don't need me, then who do you need?" They all smirked. "Keisha!" They yelled. I was so shocked. She walked towards them. "Keish-"

"Wait, one second," Da'Niyah said. "Kenneth!" They yelled. I was very more shocked than before. Kenneth stood beside Keisha and Jacob. "What is this?" I asked. "They are our new managers," Mike said with a smile on his face.

"New managers? Are you serious?" I asked getting upset. "Oh, yeah. We for real," Jacob said. "Wait, why did y'all leave in the first place?" Aria asked Keisha and Kenneth. They looked at each other then at her.

"Well, when the old group was falling apart, Walter said he couldn't handle this and that he felt alone. Then we told him that we were there for him and that we could take care of the boys' careers together, but he wouldn't let us, so we left," Keisha said.

"So that's when the old MB started falling apart?" Aria said to herself. "Yeah," Kenneth said. "But I was still supporting them then he kicked everyone out except for Jacob then I didn't know what to do," Kenneth continued.

"Anyway, enough about what happen in the past and let's worry about their futures. They're fine with me being their manager. Now, let's go," I said.

"No. Nothing was wrong with the old MB. I mean, yeah, me and Craig had our ups and downs but we could've worked it out if you didn't kick him out as soon as I said something," Jacob said.

I sighed. "But I have to admit, it was hard accepting the fact that Mike and EJ had to join, but I'm used to them now and you wanna mess that up for us. They're like my brothers and you wanna separate us from each other just because we're talking to girls. We grown. We should be able to make our own decisions."

"Look, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for letting the old MB go. I'm sorry for saying that I didn't need Kenneth and Keisha, knowing that I do. Just forgive me.. please," I begged. They all looked at each other then looked at me.

"We forgive you," everyone said. I sighed in relief. "Good, now, let's all get in the car and drive to the airport," I said. "Oh, no. We're not going with you," Mike said. "What?" "Just because we forgave you, doesn't mean we going with you," Elijah said. "We go forgive but we sho ain't go forget, boi," Jacob said.

"OOHHHH, SNNAPPPP!" The girls yelled. Kenneth and Keisha laughed. "Come on, eight more shows then another album!" Kenneth yelled. "Woo!! Let's go!!" The kids yelled. I stood there in shock. "Bye, Walter," the girls said with a smile on their faces.

Narrator's POV

The band continued on with their tour and they didn't have to worry about sneaking around with the girls. Kenneth and Keisha understood that they were growing up and that they didn't want to be "babied" anymore. Aria and Da'Niyah are back friends again but they don't think that they will be close how they were before.

The band was more successful than before. After the tour, they made another album called "MB4Life," ( This is fake of course. ) Millions and billions of fans bought the album and millions and billions of fans went to the meet and greets. The band is now preparing for their upcoming tour and they know that it would be more organized and more fun than their previous tours.

The End!

Thank you so much for reading this story!🙏🏾 When I tell you I was struggling so hard with this book, I was like OH MY GOD, I WILL NEVER GET THIS DONE!😩 Lol, but anyway, thanks again for reading, "Living with MB," and I am publishing a new book called, "College Life," starring MB, including Jaay ( jaayfromthegram ), Dylan Jenét, Madison Pinkard, your best friend, and YOU!😱 I may publish the first chapter sometime this week but I'm not sure. But, yeah! Keep a look out for that and I'll talk to you guys later!😘

P.S. There may or may not be a sequel to Living with MB coming out!😏 Bye!😁

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