Felt like Magic

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This is for xxThug_Pug i hope you like it lol.

Skylar's POV

I ain't gonna lie to ya'll. I have a crush on Lisa Michelle Cimorelli. How can you not ? She is beyond beautiful, She has a vocal rage that is just out of this world. I ain't gonna deny but I have had a crush on her for a while. I see her walking down the street of Nashville and I just think about her and how does she even exist in this world. I just think of how weird she is on snapchat but she's always funny and looks so gosh dang beautiful.

I just wished she knew how much I like her but she would never look at me like how I look at her. I wished she could see me in her future but she don't and I know it.

I just can't get her out of my head. I wished I could walk right up to her and say hi but I don't think I could.

Lisa's POV

" When will you see what I see and realize you're worth it". I sang as I was hoping out of my car to go to target. " So it's Monday and it's my snapchat day and I'm at target to get some shoes for boxing". I said out loud talking to my phone.

I wasn't even watching where I was going and I smacked right into a wall because haha Clumsy Lisa is back and I stood up in hopes that Noone saw it but nope I was wrong. The girl with long dark blonde emo hair ran up to me and asked me if I was okay. I started to laugh and she looked disappointed and then I realized that maybe she think I was laughing at her for asking me if I was okay.

" I'm Lisa nice to meet you". I said while putting out my hand for her to greet it.
" Skylar nice to meet you too". She seemed nervous.
Are you alright ? that was quite a bang you took to that wall". She said
" I'm fine. I'm really Clumsy". I said feeling like an idiot.
" Anyways do you wanna come chill with me for a bit ?, I'm looking for boxing shoes and I might need a second opinion". Then she flashed a smile and gosh she has a beautiful smile and I got a tinkle in my body. She agreed which I'm happy with but why the heck is my palm heating up so fast.

Skylar's POV

She talked to me like what the heck and I didn't make a complete fool of myself. This is going good. I walk nervously beside her as we got to the sport department so she get some good boxing shoes. This is like a dream come true, I'm hanging out with my crush. I was daydream when she held up a brown pair and black pair of boxing shoes and I totally forgot what I was doing for second but hit back into reality and told her the black ones would look on her. " great choice thanks ". She said as she shot me that million dollar smile of hers and for a second I died because of how beautiful she is when she smiles.

" wanna grab something to eat I'm serving " she said and of course I said yes then she went to go pay for tge shoes and we headed around the corner to the food court where we both got subway. We made small talk then she said something that shook my world. It was " Can I have your number ?" And for a second I forgot my number. But I gave her my number and she asked me if I needed a ride but I told her I was fine and with that she got up and gave me a hug that lasted longer that it should have and she left flashing that smile of hers.

I couldn't believe that I was actually hanging out with her and I hope she texts me. But how can I tell her that I like her without making her feel uncomfortable.

Lisa's POV

I can't stop thinking about Skylar. All day I just wanna tell her that I might have a crash on her. I think I'll talk to someone first and as if on cue Amy walks passed

Yo shawty can I tell you something please ?". She agreed then sat next to me on my bed.

" So if I tell you something will you still love me". She turned me to me and told me that she wouldn't. So I continued on.

" Ames. I think I like someone but I don't know if she likes me back. I don't know what to do". She looked at me in shock but she told me I should admit my feelings to her and of course she asked about Skylar and I told her and Amy hugs me and tells me that I have to go after her.

"What if she don't like me back Ames ?". Then Amy shot me look and told me that I never know if I never try then walked out of my room.

Gosh I hope she likes me too and I'm not about to make a fool out of myself.

Lisa : Hey Skylar it's me Lisa, I was wondering if we could meet up in need to ask you something.

Skylar : Heeeey yip that would be awesome if need to tell you something aswell.

Lisa : okay meet me at target in 10.

Skylar : yip see you then.

Okay it's time for me to admit my feelings to a girl I barely know. I hope I don't make a fool out of myself.

Here she is. I decided to get out of my car and hope into her passenger sit before she got out of her car.

Hey Lisa listen I have to tell you something and it's been bugging me all day ". And before she could speak more I smashed my lips onto hers and straight away our lips were moving perfectly with each other's. We stayed like that until oxygen became a problem then I pulled away and looked at her and she looked shocked.
" I'm sorry I'll leave now". I felt heartbroken but then she grabs my arm and cups her hand into my face then smashes her lips onto mine and I knew at that moment maybe I found have a chance with her. She broke of the kiss and she started to speak " I wanted to tell you that I really like you and I can't shake my feelings anymore".

"I really like you too Skylar, I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend ". I said and she nodded like a 5 year old and said " I would be honored to be your girlfriend ". 

And in that moment I cupped my hands around her face as I looked into my girlfriends eyes and smiled then I crashed my lips into hers And it felt like magic. I knew that we are going to perfect for each other.

A/N there you go into hope ya'll liked it. I hope it ain't to crappie.
I really like this story.

Tell me what ya'll think of it and yeah.

Also HIT ME UP ! IS A FRICKING JAM AND I CANT STOP LISTENING TO IT. YA'LL I CAN'T EVEN DESCRIBED HOW GOOD THE SONG IS. Riff Raff and Lisa really pulled through and I know a lot of people were scared because of riff raff's other music but I think this song is going to be #1 on my playlist for a while. I'M OBSESSED WITH IT AND THE FRICKING MUSIC VIDEO COMES OUT TOMORROW LIKE WHAT THE HECK I CAN'T EVEN DEAL YA'LL. I AM WAY TO EXCITED FOR THIS. I'M SHOOK. ( I CANT BREATHE)

Peace ✌

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