Chapter 3

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   A sudden rush of wind breezed past me as Shoto dragged me behind him, taking the blow of our opponent's Brick Break. "Is that the best you can do?" the Chesnaught taunted, as his trainer called out a command. I could only understand one phrase from the command. Swords Dance, I thought, worried that the move boosted his attack. Shoto retaliated with a Flare Blitz, leaving him damaged from the recoil of the attack and the past Brick Break.

   "Noir! A little help here?" Shoto called, his usual confident demanor now gone in the heat of battle. "Coming!" I called, as Shoto landed a Quick Attack on the Chesnaught, who didn't even flinch, and recieved another order from his trainer. Wait! I recalled, shivering in place while watching the Chesnaught perform another Swords Dance. I forgot all my moves! What do I do? "What's the matter? Attack!" Shoto growled.

   As I ran closer to our opponent, I racked my mind for moves I remembered. Nothing. I tried recalling the moved Shoto used. Flare Blitz? No! Quick Attack? I'll try, I guess! My attempt at a Quick Attack had failed, due to me having no idea how to perform the move, causing me to fall flat on my face. Looking up, I tried to see what Shoto was doing. He's got 2 moves left, right? Surely he could- My thoughts were cut short as I watched Shoto chomp down hard on the Chesnaught's arm. Bite! I realized. I can do that! "Did you think that hurt?" the Chesnaught bragged. Shoto growled back at him, his expression hiding a grin. What's he up to? I wondered.

   The Chesnaught performed a final Swords Dance, his attack now fully maxed out. I gulped, knowing that his Fighting type moves would be a nightmare for a Dark type like me. Shoto, on the other hand, didn't seem to flinch as he jumped towards our opponent. How many battles has he been in? I wondered, as Shoto used his final and most powerful move, Final Gambit. For all I know, I've probably not been in much, I thought, frowning down at my lanky figure, now dripping with little beads of sweat from the battle. The Chesnaught was at critical health, surprisingly not having fainted after dealing with Shoto's full on Flare Blitz and Final Gambit. On top of that, the Flareon was pretty adamant if I say so myself.

   The trainer shouted out another command, while pulling out two Ultra Balls from his bag. I saw Shoto tense up, knowing that he and I both understood the single, yet deadly, command that the trainer spoke. Earthquake. I realized, knowing that Shoto must be more worried than me. At his maximum Attack stat. The ground shook, leaves scattering with dust. Shoto and I were both caught up in the earthquake, and the Ultra Balls were thrown at us, each one surprisingly hitting the mark. Arceus, save me, I prayed, before everything went black.

   It's cold. It's dark, I thought, as the world, covered in darkness, began to gently shake once. I tried to struggle. It's no use. The world shook again, slightly more forceful, for the second time. I can't do it. A third shake, almost as powerful as the Earthquake from our opponent, would've caused me to fall. I couldn't win. I can't win. A click sounded, causing the darkness to be replaced with an artifical garden. The Chesnaught sat on the grass, admiring the flowers. I'm trapped. I looked around for Shoto, hoping to have someone to stay with. He's gone. I can't do anything without relying on Shoto. I'm useless without him.

   Looking up, I noticed Shoto struggling in a dark enveloped circle, his yellow furs peeking out as he struggled. "Shoto!" I called out, causing the Chesnaught to flinch in surprise. "Are you ok?" Shoto struggled for a few more seconds, before falling onto the grass, the dark mass releasing him from it's grip. Shoto landed with a thud, his soft fur cushioning the fall. "I... couldn't make it..." he muttered, as I ran over to him, the grass feeling artificial as I ran across it.

   Shoto lay down on the grass, with me sitting beside him. "Well," a deep voice sounded, causing me to flinch and Shoto to abruptly stand up, growling. "Where are we?" he demanded. "Let me finish!" the Chesnaught scolded, causing Shoto to growl even louder, but still remaining quiet. "Now that we're all here, let me introduce ourselves." he continued, gesturing to a timid looking Lapras and an outgoing looking Swoobat. "Now, beforehand," the Chesnaught warned, an angry and menacing glint in his eyes, causing me to gulp, "we will all be friends."

   The Chesnaught's malicious behavior left him as soon as it came, making me slightly relaxed and confused at the same time. "I am Briggan," he introduced, pointing at himself, "and these are my teammates Serene," he smiled, gesturing torwards the timid Lapras, who responded with a feeble Hello, "and Sakura," he continued, gesturing at the Swoobat, who bowed as if on cue. "Hello, friends!" she cheered, blinding me with her optimism. "My kokoro went doki when I saw you guys~!" she swooned, winking at Shoto. Shoto's hostility faltered a little, shown by his growls stopping.

   "Well?" Briggan reminded, with Serene slowly trailing behind him and Sakura performing twirls in the air to get to our location. "Aren't you going to introduce yourselves?" Shoto asserted himself from his current slouch and faced Briggan head-on, causing Serene to flinch. "I'm Shoto," he warily introduced, his eye never leaving the group. "And this is Noir, my favorite amnesiac." I snorted. "Well then!" Sakura beamed, interrupting Briggan's sentence. "From now on, we'll be the best team ever~!"

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