Chapter 6

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   Light glittered off the walls of the gym, illuminated further by Shoto's Flare Blitz, which left the Mawile with a large chunk of damage to it's HP, as well as a burn. "Yeah!" I cried. A burn cuts the opponent's Attack in half, right? I thought, only to recieve a snicker from the Sylveon, and his trainer, as his teammate used an Iron Defense to soften the blow of Shoto's next attack. "What's so funny?" I asked the Sylveon, who snickered even louder. "Don't you know that Mawile's ability is Hyper Cutter, which prevents the lowering of the Attack stat?" I decided to ignore his snarky remarks, and pay attention to the battle.

Due to his higher Speed stat, Shoto dashed forwards, engulfed in flames, tackling the Mawile. Despite it's doubled Defense, the Mawile still went down, causing a cheer from our side. However, the recoil of the attack left Shoto at very low HP, causing the Mr Mime and Sylveon to whisper to each other. The human sent out the Mr Mime, causing the Sylveon to scream and cheer, causing Serene to try to block out the sound with her flippers. However, the Mr Mime didn't seem to be affected by the Sylveon's sudden uproar.

The Mr Mime seemed to be preparing an attack, which would surely knock out Shoto. Oh no! I worried, knowing that Shoto's brute force would be a great asset to this battle. Instead, my trainer called Shoto back from the battlefield, and sent me out in his place. Why me? I thought, stepping nervously onto the battlefield. He's a Fairy type. Fairies beat Dark types, right? Why me? The Mr Mime released a sudden Psychic as I was thinking. Oh, I get it... I realized, the attack passing over me, doing no damage.

I waited for my trainer's command. The only words I could make out were Perish Song, so I opened my mouth and released the attack, feeling great that the Mr Mime would only last 3 turns. Now, if Serene could last three turns... My thoughts were cut short by the Sylveon's and the opposing trainer's laughs. "You really don't know your Abilities, huh?" the Sylveon mocked. "Mr Mime's Ability is Soundproof, which makes him immune to all sound-based moves!" I snarled at the Sylveon. "Leave me-"

My sentence was cut short as I was hit with a super effective Dazzling Gleam, leaving me with only shreds of my HP due to my "pathetic" defenses and HP, as Shoto had called them once. He's right, I realized, as I was called back, Sakura taking my place. As she fluttered onto the battlefield, Sakura beamed and muttered things about the scenery being even nicer up close, with some Sugoi desu~ or Daisuki desu~ thrown in. The Sylveon muttered something about Sakura being a weeaboo and just like Mawile, but I decided to ignore him.

Sakura released a Shadow Ball from her ears, surprisingly, towards the Mr Mime. It was a "super effective critical hit, desu~!" according to Sakura, but due to the Mr Mime's high Special Defense, the attack seemed to only have some effect on him. The Mr Mime set up a Light Screen with a smirk, causing Sakura's next Special attacks to have halved power. This isn't good... I worried, glancing over at Shoto. Shoto just simply seemed tired, no expression of concern towards the battle whatsoever. Blockhead... I thought, returning my attention to the battle.

Sakura's next Shadow Ball seemed to have less of an effect on the Mr Mime. However, despite the attack not being a "sugoi critical hit desu~!" , the Mr Mime's Special Defense was lowered, thanks to the Shadow ball. "All right, desu~!" Sakura cheered, as the Mr Mime placed a Barrier, which would cut the damage of Physical attacks in half. The next turn, due to the Mr Mime's lowered Special Defense, the Shadow Ball was able to knock out the Mr Mime. Cheers came from our side, with a terrified little whimper coming from the Sylveon. Chicken.

Surprisingly, my trainer called back Sakura, sending out Briggan. What? I wondered, shaking my head. Fighting types are weak against Fairy types. Is our trainer nuts? The Sylveon, slightly more confident due to having a type advantage over his new opponent, stepped into the violently pastel floor of the battlefield. "Are you kidding me? Fairy types beat Fighting types!" the Sylveon mocked as he used Charm on Briggan, the move lowering his Attack. No! I worried. Briggan relies on his physical strength! What will we do?

Briggan used an unexpected Brick Break on the Sylveon, barely scratching him due to to the types ineffectiveness, the Barrier, and Briggan's crippled attack. "Seriously?" the Sylveon laughed, mocking us alongside his trainer. Briggan smirked, causing the Sylveon's confusion, as he switched out with Shoto, their eyes not meeting as they crossed each other. What is my trainer- My thoughts were cut short as the sound of shattering glass rang through the room, the pink and purple shards of the Mr Mime's previous efforts phasing in and out as if they were ghosts.

"Don't forget!" Briggan bellowed, as the Sylveon's Quick Attack missed Shoto due to the failed footwork, "that Brick Break destroys all screens!" The Sylveon gasped, realizing his mistake. "Who's the idiot now?" I taunted, feeling evil yet prideful at what I had just said. Shoto retaliated to the Sylveon's failed Quick Attack with a powerful Flare Blitz, landing a critical hit. "I did it," Shoto half cheered, half mumbled, his steps woozy from recoil. Before Shoto could speak, he fainted from recoil, and into the arms of our celebrating trainer.

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