Chapter 9

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   Footsteps clattered on the cold metal floor of the Team Flare base as I walked to the training area. I passed lots of Pokémon and trainers in orange suits, "grunts" as Bruce had called them. The original five of us all seemed slightly shaken, with Sakura blushing in Bruce's direction every now and then, causing me to swoon to myself whenever I caught her peeking a glance at him. Shoto seemed to be regaining his confidence slowly, apparently still angry at Briggan, much to my disappointment.

Bruce lead us to a narrow hallway, which was as crowded than the area we were walking through earlier, where I had bumped into a few Pokémon. "Now," Bruce commanded, staring at our group, the fairies shivering in the back. "split into groups of five for the training." As if on cue, our glances met each other. Shoto gave me a curt nod and a smile. "Let's do this!" he cheered under his breath, with Serene, Sakura and I smiling at his enthusiasm. Yes! I thought happily. Shoto's back to normal! But, I shouldn't be relying on him too much...

Peeking at the other groups, I turned to see that the Sylveon, who was still pale, and his teammates had joined forces with a Slurpuff and an Aromatisse. The Granbull and her friends that I met recently had teamed up with a Dedenne and an Azumarill. Once Bruce and John, who had recently come over, saw our assembled groups, they called another Pokémon over the radio. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but soon enough, a huge Ariados had appeared in our tight hallway. I saw the Sylveon tense up with fear, growing even paler. "S-spiders..." he whimpered, causing me to think, I feel quite bad for him...even though he's a complete jerk...

"It seems that we're all here..." the Ariados remarked, her voice smooth. "I am Vriska, and this is Bruce," she continued, gesturing at the Golbat, "and John." Suprisingly, the Skrelp didn't pull a sassy remark. Instead, he remained silent as Vriska pointed one of her slender limbs at him. Eep... I worried. She seems scary... "Bruce," she commanded, "you will teach this group." Her limb was pointed at us, Shoto biting down a growl. "John, you will teach this group." The Granbull tried to intimidate the Ariados with her fangs, but to no avail.

"And I," she finished, pointing at herself with an important air, "will be teaching this group." The Sylveon turned an even paler shade of white, visibly trembing in fear. "Arceus, no...please..." the Sylveon prayed under his breath. I couldn't help but feel bad when Vriska heard what he was saying. Oh no. "What's wrong?" the Ariados taunted, her voice as sweet as a Salac Berry. "Scared of spiders?" The Sylveon gulped, his teammate's eyes clouded with concern and worry. Arceus, please! I know he's a jerk, but he doesn't deserve this!

"Bruce!" Vriska commanded, turning to a startled Bruce. "You'll replace..." she continued, before asking the terrified Sylveon, "What's your name, boy?" The Sylveon flinched, earning a disgusted glance from Vriska. "O-oberon," the Sylveon stammered, terrified at the spider's touch. "Well then, Oberon," she continued. "Bruce will be replacing your spot in your team of six. You'll be going with these guys," she finished, pointing a limb at our group. "But before we begin training, my friend Oberon will be having..." she reported, "a special conversation with me." Oberon gulped, tears beginning to form at his eyes. Bruce and John seemed shaken now. Please, I begged. Arceus, I hope Oberon's going to be ok.. "Oh, and before I go, your new mentor is Serket," she added, taking a shivering Oberon away.

A few silent moments passed before we could no longer hear Vriska's clattering footsteps. "No..." the Mr Mime muttered, causing Bruce to sigh. "Yukki, this is all wrong!" he cried, shaking a terrified Mawile. The Mawile, presumably Yukki, started blubbering nonsense into the Mr Mime's arm. "Don't worry," the Mr Mime soothed, trying to suddenly console a crying Yukki. "Your pal Marie is here to help. You can count on me." Despite the terrifying situation, I had to hold back a laugh. Marie? The Mr Mime is a... Ms Mime? What?

I looked over at Shoto, who seemed to be holding back a giggle too. "Marie," I heard him laugh under his breath. "I can't believe she's a-" Shoto's sentence was cut short, along with our brief moment of happiness we had shared in this gloomy place, was cut short by terrifed screams coming from a distant rooms, followed by terrified pleas. "Please, no spiders" was all I could make out, followed by more screams and the sounds of what seemed to be many Spinarak laughing at once. Marie and Yukki began to hug each other, and Sakura buried her head again into Briggan's arms. I tried to block out the screams with my fur, but to no avail. Arceus, make it stop!

After a few minutes, the screams began to fade into silent mutters. John sighed sadly, and Bruce began banging his head on a wall. Soon, the door opened to reveal not one, but two Ariados. I guess that's why they call it Ariados, a part of me joked, but the spiders soon revealed a shaken Oberon, his fur in tatters, some of it missing. He was covered in spiderwebs, drops of acid, and blood. What happened? Is he ok? As if nothing had happened, one of the Ariados introduced herself. "I am Serket, Vriska's younger sister." she began. And with a glare that made me freeze up, she continued, "and I'll be your mentor for this very...interesting training session."

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