25) 오랜만

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The moment he had opened his mouth and spoke into the phone, Kat knew that she was a goner. Every nerve in her body trembled with fear as she wanted to scramble outside, run away, and never look back. But she lacked the strength to because she was a weakling. She had betrayed her friends and acted selfish for herself, of course she deserved the outcome. She should've braced for it anyway. However, she didn't know that the agonising pain in her chest would hurt her more than she thought. Her gaze never left the boy in front of her who was too focused on the fact that he was finally talking to the girl he never once forgot.

"Nevena?" her name rolled off his tongue as if it was someone he knew from top to bottom.

Kat's hands curled into fists as she held back the choked sobs. She kept reminding herself that she deserved this.


Nevena was shaken. Never had she thought she would hear his voice once more after that short time during Christmas. As frustrating it was, she had to admit, somewhere deep down, she missed his soothing voice. The grip on her phone got tighter as she cleared her throat, the awkward silence slowly ripping her insides. But what was she supposed to do? This voice was coming from the guy that pretended to be someone he wasn't, ended being one of the most famous celebrities in South Korea, that played with her emotions and her heart, made her worry for weeks, and had made her smile when she was in her most depressing times.

"If it's really you, Nevena. I would just like to say something I couldn't say back then because there were too many complications," he continued, only making her heart ache even more.

The flashbacks of nights when the only thing she would look forward for the whole entire day, was to text him, the times when he made silly puns and she had no choice but to giggle and save them for when she felt sad, and that specific time when he had sent her a song he sang for her. A song that until this day, she would still secretly listen to every night to sleep. Nevena braced herself for his next words that would determine the outcome and what she would respond to him.

"I'm sorry for everything and that I never once played with your emotions. I really do have feelings for you-" a small pause,"-I really did and still love you."

The words left Nevena stunned and silent that she could even hear her own heart beating wildly. Her response that she had memorized and was ready to say had melted in her brain. She had no idea what to do at that moment, but to just let those emotions take over her once again.

The tears streamed down her cheeks as she started wailing loudly, not caring whether he heard her or not.


And on the other side of the world, after those few words Jeon Jungkook had said, Kat's remaining bit of hope had shattered and those choked sobs she tried so hard to keep from coming out, unleashed itself. Not wanting to hear more, she used the last bit of her own pride and sprinted outside of the whole movie theatre. The wind blew against her face as she ran down the sidewalk as far as she could, not even hesitating to look back.


And in the midst of all this crisis, Jeon Jungkook could only stay stiff. Everything around him was blurred but just her. But just that one girl he always had secretly loved ever since that time.

That girl who was across the world.

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