16) 메세지

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nevula: morning sleepy head ((:

nevula: you busy? oh you're a hella busy idol, i forgot ;;

nevula: althouGH it would be great if you could at least read this so i know you're alive cri


Jungkook's lips curved into a frown. This wasn't what he wanted. Nevena was definitely not supposed to send messages like this to Jimin hyung. In fact, she should be sending those messages to him. The jealousy that he tried to keep down bursted and before he knew it, he started typing away.


jiminiejams: ew go away, i don't even know you

jiminiejams: why did i ever even get your number? you're just some other clingy fan

jiminiejams: don't ever text me again


After sending those three texts, Jungkook stayed still for a moment then heaved in and out. He was horrified of what he had done. Jungkook dropped the phone with shock, whipped his head to see if anyone had witnessed his sin, and then pulled at his hair with frustration. Nevena already hated him, now Jimin hyung was going to hate him too. Why couldn't he have moved on like that last time and forget about it?

The Kakaotalk notification bell rung but Jungkook didn't dare to pick up the phone and look at the screen. He just destroyed Nevena's feelings not once, but twice. He didn't have the right to look at her response much less ever contact her again.

Minutes passed and Jungkook still tried to think of a way to undo this mess he created. It would've been totally better if he entered the right phone number and texted his hyung the nudes so that Nevena wouldn't have came in contact with him. But, it was too late and the only way he had in his mind was to just come clean; tell the truth. If he wanted to die that was.

"Hey, Jungkook-ah, did you see my phone anywhere?" Jimin suddenly came running down the stairs with a huge grin on his face.

Jungkook quickly kicked the phone underneath the couch and smiled nervously to his hyung, "N-No, maybe you left it in your room?"

Jimin scrunched his eyebrows and laughed, "I was there for the last forty minutes, I would've found it by then. I thought it dropped on the couch from my pocket. Move, let me check."

Before Jimin could push Jimin aside, Jungkook blocked him and pushed him to the love seat across from them.

"Jungkook, what the-"

"Let's play hide and seek!" Jungkook suggested as he tried to say normally as he possibly could.

Jimin looked at him and blinked with confusion but after brightened up and squealed, "Is our Jungkookie asking me, Park Jimin, to play hide and seek? Of course I would, you little cute ball of adorableness."

Jungkook sighed with relief and made Jimin hyung find him first so he would have time to hide the phone far away from him. That way his hyung wouldn't suspect him, at least not until Jungkook had gathered his shit together and ready to face the consequences.

Once Jimin started counting, Jungkook dashed upstairs with the phone and went inside the first room that was the closest. Inside, was a half naked Yoongi who had just gotten out of the shower and a Namjoon who was currently pulling his pants up. The three froze and stared at each other with awkwardness. The first one to break silence?

"Jeon Jungkook, do you want me to break your bones again?" it was of course Min Yoongi.

"I second that, get out of the damn room!" Namjoon yelled, as he threw a pair of jeans at Jungkook's poor face.

Jungkook stuttered a quick apology, closed the door, and dashed into Jimin's room where he hid the phone under Hoseok's pillow.

"3, 2, 1, Jungkook, I'm coming for you!" Jungkook heard his hyung yell.

Startled, Jungkook jumped on Jimin's bed and hid himself under the sheets. He just hoped he could manage some time before he got his ass whipped.


It's been several days since Nevena texted with maknae. Then again, she decided after maknae left her without a single word, to shake it off and forget he ever existed. Instead, Nevena actually had someone who made her feel important; necessary. Park Jimin, the one and only person who she idolized ever since bangtan debuted. She knew that it was almost impossible for a normal fan like her to have any kind of relationship with a really famous star but for some reason, Jimin was making it work between them.

That was until this morning.


jiminiejams: ew go away, i don't even know you

jiminiejams: why did i ever get your number? you're just some other clingy fan

jiminiejams: don't ever text me again


Nevena's smile faded after the three messages. She never thought that out of all the people in the world, Park Jimin would so hurtfully crush her. Even if he didn't like her, he could've responded in a more appropriate tone. Depressed and hopeless, Nevena sighed as she typed in her last message before blocking the singer.


nevula: and i thought you were different. 

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