26) 소나기

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After ending the face call with the one he could finally introduce as his girlfriend, Park Jimin slipped his phone into his jacket pocket and walked down the sidewalk when all of a sudden, he crashed with someone who was in a hurry. luckily the hat and the mask he had on didn't come off but the two of them hurtled to the ground and both of them groaned in pain. Feeling a throb in his shoulder, he clutched the part where it hurt, and was ready to unleash his anger out on the suspect. However, once he spotted who it was, the fury had left him for the suspect was a girl who was curled up into a ball and was sobbing.

Jimin scratched the back of his neck and crouched down in front of her, making sure not to touch her since she looked like she was ready to break. He whipped his head to the front and back to see if anything suspicious was around his surroundings but only to find none. Slowly, he lightly tapped the girl on the arm and asked,"Are you okay?"

The girl flinched at the foreign touch and unraveled herself, her messy hair sticking to her tear stained face. Jimin felt bad and stretched out a hand for her to grab. The girl glanced at the gesture for a second only to push it away and stand up on her own, her knees wobbling. Jimin pretended that her not taking his hand was natural and shoved it into his jean pocket casually. He then waited there, kicking a pebble until the girl beside him was ready to apologize.

"Next time, watch where you're going, thanks."

Jimin smiled and was about to mutter the words "no problem" when he paused at the unexpected statement this rude girl said to him. To him. As she was about to take off again, Jimin quickly grabbed a hold of her wrist and pulled her back to where she was standing.

"What's wrong with you!" she exclaimed, thrashing her wrist so that he would let go of her.

Fuming, Jimin crossed his arms and responded back with the same tone,"What do you mean 'What's wrong with me'? You're the one who tackled me to the ground! Shouldn't you at least have the decency to apologize?!"

The girl stayed silent for a moment and at one point, they both locked eyes on one another, the anger blazing in their eyes.

"For your information, I also fell too. I don't think I should have to apologize," she stubbornly stated, huffing.

Jimin was dumbfounded. How could there be someone this disrespectful and rude?

"I-I'm rude and disrespectful..?"

Realizing he had said that out loud, he turned to face the girl only to find that her eyes were beginning to cloud with tears once more.

"Y-You're right. I am rude and disrespectful. And you know what, I'm a liar and a fucking messed up friend too. Who am I kidding? If I can easily be called rude and disrespectful from a random stranger, that means I really am. Go ahead, why don't you just throw more hateful words at me? Give it all you've got!" the girl screamed, constantly using her hands to wipe off the downpour that wouldn't stop.

Jimin was stunned by the outburst and didn't know what to do but awkwardly hug her. He knew that he still felt bad that she had an attitude towards him but he couldn't help but feel pitiful and have the need to comfort her. He placed his arms around her frail body as the girl began to sob hard on his shirt.

they stayed like that for minutes, and as time passed, Jimin couldn't help but pat her on the back. She reminded him of his old highschool days when he used to have the same feeling. The feeling of being weak and useless. He didn't want anybody to go through the pain he had to endure. That included this girl as well.

"W-Why are you so nice all of a sudden?" the girl hiccuped during her question as she softly laid on his chest.

Jimin took a breath and answered her question with another question,"Why did you have to act so strong when it hurt?"

The girl's breathing hitched as she slowly separated herself from him and took a couple of steps back. She wiped off the snot off her nose and fixed her hair in a hurry, trying to look normal when she was far from it. Jimin patiently waited for her again. As she dusted the dirt off her legs, she finally placed her eyes on his and created a small smile.

"I guess, that's what you got to do in order to avoid getting hurt. You're right though, I shouldn't because that led me to even more pain. Physical pain at that too. Thanks for the comfort, I sort of needed that even though you're a complete stranger. I'll be taking my leave now, sorry about earlier."

Jimin bowed his head in return as she turned to and took a better look at her when he felt as if he had seen her before. Her face was oddly familiar but he couldn't figure out where he could've possibly-

The girl that Jungkook brought in. The drunk one.


The girl scrunched her eyebrows and then came closer to him only to take several steps away from him in a hurry.

"Please don't tell me you're Park Jimin."

Jimin gulped.

"I'm Kim Taehyung..?"

"Stop, you're 5'9."


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