14. i was mistaken...

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Ayden's POV

News Reporter:
It has almost been two month since anyone had heard from the pop sensation, Charlie Graham and while there has been numerous attempts to get in contact with his manager, there has been no comment with the agency.

Even fans have created search party for the said male in attempts to find him and yet no clues have come up. Although, police have found their main suspect within this case, the model and boyfriend of Graham, Cameron Arbor...

My eyes focused on green ones, watching as the model leaned back in the chair he was currently sitting in, with an amused smirk on his face. God, how I wanted to jump over the table that divided us and punch him in his pretty boy face. I hated him for what he had done to Charlie. I hated him because I knew that he knew where Charlie was and yet he wouldn't talk. It frustrated me and if possible, I hated him even more.

I stepped back with my head down, staring down at the ugly gray tile of the jail's interview room with gritted teeth. I had requested to talk to him alone, just to get answers. Something, just to know that Charlie was alive and okay. I shook my head.

"Just...Just please tell me that he's not six feet under. That you haven't gone that far in your fucked up mind."

Cameron raised a brow at my words, placing the chair down to the floor fully and leaning his elbows on the table. "Tell me, what exactly makes you think I'm the one who is keeping him hidden. I didn't kidnap my own boyfriend, that wouldn't even make sense. If I really wanted him to myself, I'd just tell him that."

"Because you know he would do whatever you say." I snapped tiredly. When was the last time that I had gone to bed. This constant worry for Charlie had caused me to become insomniac.

"Who Charlie listens to his business alone. Anyways, even If I did know anything about Charlie, and that's a big if, why would I say it outloud in a place like this and practically seal my fate to jail. I know places like this are tapped, people are listening in on me, so to your question, I have not the slightest clue."

He was right. It was stupid to think that he would be willing to answer any questions when there was a possibility he could get locked up. Defeated, I stepped back, only to have Cameron motion me to come forward with his fingers. I was apprehensive to go anywhere near the guy but still, my legs worked on their own and approached him.

Cameron grabbed me by my collar and leaned close to my ear. "He's not dead, I'm sure of that for now anyways. He misses you."

My hands gripped into fist, the overwhelming urge to sock him in his face until I realized that his voice wasn't taunting. If anything it actually sounded like he cared.

"Where is he."

"If I tell you, he'll kill both you and Charlie. He doesn't like this police involvement and as soon as it gets too far, he'll kill him."

My panic level rose at his words as I gripped onto the edge of the table beside me. Kill Charlie? Fuck, no, no, no... "Wait, no, tell me who 'he' is. Please."

Cameron let me go and pulled away, much to my disappointment. No, I needed to know, I needed him to tell me everything he knew. For fuck's sake, he probably knew everything and these tiny tidbits of information weren't making me feel anymore content. I grabbed his collar and forced him to look up at him. "You must have loved him at one point right!? Whatever happened to make you stop l-"

"I still love him." Cameron interrupted. "Yeah, I may be abusive, I may cheat but sex is nothing but a game to me. Still my feelings had never changed. Why do you think I'm still here humoring you and these officers, I could easily get my lawyers to get me out of this situation. I could be overseas with some sexy german boy grinding against me in some nightclub with as many alcoholic drinks that I could ever want. I could be living it up but I'm here because, much to contrary belief, I don't want him to die no more than you do."

Cameron sudden stood up and stepped up to me. His eyes held anger in them. Then frustration before defeat filled them. He was defeated? Was it because the guilt had finally eaten at him because I hope so. The fucker should feel guilty for what he's done. His voice was low the next time he spoke, probably not wanting to be heard by the officers who were probably watching.

"I'm still here because I don't want him to fucking die. I'd never beat him to the point of death, not even at my angriest. My threats are empty because, fuck, it would kill me if he was dead."

"Charlie didn't deserve what you've done to him. He doesn't deserve anything that's happening to him and you know it! So please...I'm begging you, just tell me where he is."

Cameron furrowed his brows, running a hand through his hair and placing all his weight on one leg. He knew everything I said was true and it made me wonder if I had gotten through to him.

I guess not because the annoyance had come back on his facial features. "What do you not understand about Charlie dying if anyone knows. With this entire investigation going on, his days are limited. Very limited. I can't keep convincing the person to keep Charlie alive, he's already under pressure and one more detective coming to him could make him snap." Cameron shook his head, pulling away from my grasp.

"What can you tell me me than?" I was getting desperate and even though it was the last emotion that I wanted to show to Cameron but knowing that Charlie's death was practically based on if they found him or not, it was nerve wrecking.

Cameron grabbed his jacket and things, his phone confiscated at the beginning. He didn't seem too worried about that fact though. "I can tell you that he's suffering. A lot. And he's practically begging to be killed or let go or something."

"Help him then!"

Cameron glanced at me, a raised brow at my outburst. How could he know this and yet not try to stop this!? Why the fuck wouldn't he want to save him from this misery if he 'loved him so much'. I didn't cry. I've always tried to withhold my emotions but that this moment, I wanted the angry tears to come out. How dare he allow for this to happen.

"Fucking save his life, because while you don't want him to die physically, he's dying mentally and it's almost the same fucking thing!"

Before another sentence had formed in my mouth, Cameron was at the notepad, jotting down something quickly. I couldn't even look over his shoulder as the doors slammed over and huge bodyguards with a group of lawyers walked through. Somehow, though, Cameron had managed to slip the paper in my hands as he placed his sunglasses over his eyes. "I really did love him." He said, being led out.

Left alone, I quickly fumbled with opening the folded sheet of paper before reading the words. My entire world felt as if it had stopped.

If you let him die, I'll murder you.

Do better.

I read the last line over and over again, my breath hitched. Do better... Did he mean by saving him or by loving him? I couldn't talk, not even when the detective rushed in to see if I knew anything.

And, I nodded my head. I had told the truth because, fuck, maybe there was a chance to get him before he died. I hoped that Charlie forgave me, but I needed him to wait. Just a moment longer to be saved.


Sooo, Ayden knows now XD
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