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Roman's P.O.V~~~~~~

I sat outside her room waiting patiently for any kind of news on if shes ok. I began chewing on my fingers. "Daddy!" I turned my head to see leetha running down the hall towards me. I scooped her up in my arms and held her tightly. "Is mommy ok?" She asked while looking at me. "Mommy will be ok." She put her head on my shoulder and sighed. Peter stood next to me and sighed. "Any news yet?" I shock my head. Her door opened and the doctor walked out. I could tell by the way he couldnt look at me something was wrong. "Peter. Take leetha to the waiting room." He nodded and grabbed leetha from me. I turned and looked at the doctor with hopeful eyes. He sighed and removed his cap. "The baby is alive and healthy." I nodded my head at me waiting to hear about nadeline. "Nadeline on the other hand... She didnt make it. She lost to much blood." I looked at him in disbelieve. I felt tears begining to form. I pushed him aside and ran through the doors. There she laid. Blood covered every inch of her body, her hands were un moving laying down her body, her lips had allready turned blue and purple. I took a deep breath and exhaled.

"Nadeline." I walked towards her grabbing her hand and putting it up to my lips. I felt tears sting my face as they fell. "Come back" her eyes remained shut as i sobbed. My knees began to ache and i colllapsed on the floor. I heard foot steps approach. I turned around to see a nurse standing there with a pink bundle in her arms. She kneled down and held the child out to me. "Sir. Dont you want to hold your baby?" My eyes narrowed in on her and i changed my gaze.  I took the baby in my arms and looked at her. She was the spitting inage of nadeline.

"Roman." My eyes snapped up and i locked eyes with peter. His eyes allready had tears spilling out. "No.." He took a step back and walked away.

Peter's P.O.V~~~

i stepped outside and took a deep breath wiping the tears off my face. Destiny sat on the bench playing with tyler and leetha. I took a deep breath and sighed walking towards them. "Can we go see the baby?" I looked up at leetha who was now looking at me. "Yeah we can here in a bit. Can you and tyler come here for a second?" They both nodded their heads and walked closer to me. I knelled down and sighed again. "Its about mommy." They nodded their heads. "She uh.... She didnt make it..." They stood their for a second registering it. Finally tyler stepped foward and wrapped his arms around my neck. "We know uncle peter." He said while moving. I stood up and looked around. "Lets go find daddy. Come on." I took their hands as destiny joined my side.


Roman's P.O.V~~~

I couldnt believe what was happening. It felt like a nightmare. I kept pinching my arm to see if i was asleep and when i woke up id see nadelines beautifull smile but nothing worked. This was real. They began to lower her down into her grave. I held leetha tighter as tears spilled out. I closed my eyes and sobbed more.

After the funeral me, tyler and leetha were walking along side the graves. "Youll see her again daddy." Tyler said while looking up. "And then we can be a family again." Leetha said while looking up at me. I chuckled and stopped walking. "Lets get home. Its gettin late." The kids let lose of my hand and sprinted to the car.


Later that night i sat on the edge of my bed thinking. I couldnt sleep cause every time i closed my eyes id see nadeline. I couldnt eat or drink anything. The only thing holding me together right now is my kids. Me and nadelines kids. I ran my hands through my hair and stood up walking out of my door. I walked up the stairs and opened the kids room. I stood against the door frame and watched them.

My how they look so much like nadeline.

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