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"Try to be quiet would you?" I heard voices around me but I couldn't figure out who was talking. "look. ill be there in a second. you can brief me then." suddenly I felt the bed dip, Roman. he got out of bed. I turned around and saw him walking into the closet. I rolled on my side and watched his every move. he grabbed a black blazer, a white button up shirt, some black faded jeans, along with his colorful socks and black leather shoes. when he walked out his eyes landed on mine. instant smile.

"good morning." he said softly, "how'd you sleep?" the nightmare I had last night came back into my mind, a chill ran down my back as I heard that mans voice again. roman looked at me confused. "just a dream. thats all." he nodded. "I gotta get to the tower, Pryce is going fucking nuts right now." I nodded my head and smiled. "would you mind if I took Nadia out today?" he froze in his tracks and turned around slowly. hesitation shot through his eyes.

"If anyone asks, she's my niece. my sister needed me to babysit." he thought for a moment, almost having an argument with himself in his head. he sighed and rubbed his temples. I slid out of bed and walked around to him. "please roman." I peaked his cheek as a smirk began to appear. "I don't know nadeline." I kissed his ear lobe and nibbled a bit. "nadeline, it could be dangerous." I moved lower, in the crook of his neck and nibbled.

"fuck nadeline." I slid my nails down his chest and moved to his lips. he switched all his clothes to one hand as he used his other hand to effortlessly pick me up. he walked into the bathroom and threw his clothes down. he sat me down on the counter and began peeling my shirt off throwing it on the other side of the bathroom.

he took my body into his hands and smirked. "I'm still not so sure about it," he said lowering his head down to my chest. he began trailing kisses down to my stomach. he slid my panties off and stood up turning the shower on. he smirked as he threw his boxers off, revealing a large member. I bit my bottom lip and giggled. 


"when you go at least take Peter or Ben." i smiled at Roman, as I was looping his tie. "and call me if anything happens, anything." i chuckled and stood on my tippy toes kissing his lips. "yes boss." he smirked and placed his hand on my stomach. "especially to this Lil guy." i chuckled, "how do you know if its a boy." Roman shrugged and turned around. he made his way out the door. a few moments later a heard his car start up. 

I walked out into the living room wearing a pair of denim shorts, and a loose fitting white shirt. ben stood in the kitchen shirtless, eating an apple. "hey. feel like going out?" he looked up and smiled, "Sure, where are we going?" I smiled and held a finger up. I hiked up the stairs to the last door and put the code in, I walked straight in Nadia's room. she was up and moving around, as soon as her eyes landed on me she began giggling. 

"Wanna go to the park today?" I walked over to the dresser and opened the first one finding onesies. I picked out a white one and paired it off with some loose fitting pants. I grabbed a small jacket, just in case. I picked her up and sat her on the changing table. "you're gonna meet my brother, his name is Ben. hes great." she put her fist in her mouth and smiled at me, her eyes just a glowing. after I finished dressing her I grabbed an empty diaper bag, I threw in some diapers, an extra onesie, her jacket, some wipes, a pasie, and other odd and ends. I grabbed the stroller from the corner and strapped Nadia in the car seat carrier. 

I opened the door and saw ben watching my every move, confusion was written on his face. "whose baby?" he met me at the stairs helping me with her. "Roman's, long story. you ready?" he nodded his head and opened the door for me. 


I drove down the road a bit remembering the directions Roman gave me, "Are we almost there?" ben said sitting beside me, i chuckled and focused on the road every once in a while looking back at Nadia who was happily looking out the windows at all the trees going by. i smiled to myself. we finally pulled into the parking lot seeing little kids run around. 

"lets go." we got out grabbing nadia, she was just smiling away. we walked over to the swings and i put her in one, ben stood beside me looking around. "im glad i grabbed your jacket." she giggled. after a few hours of just walking around my phone began ringing, "hello?" i said answering, "hey. how is everything going." it was roman checking in on us. "good. shes really enjoying, you should have seen her eyes when we walked outside."

i heard his deep chuckle, "well get on home, its chilly outside." i smiled and nodded, even tho he cant see. "ill see you later?" it came out more as a question, "yes. im almost done over here." i smiled and held my phone away ending the call. 


"honey, im home." roman said while walking into the house. ben laid on the other side of the couch, nadia fast asleep on his chest. i looked up at roman and smiled. "its been a long day." he looked over at ben and chuckled. "how was your day?" i asked getting up and wrapping my arms around his neck, "better now." he leaned in pressing his lips against mine. 

"you should get to bed to, its getting late." i smiled and pecked his lips again. "ill be in there after bit." i turned around and picked nadia up gently. her eyes fluttered open then closed again, she was pooped. i smiled as roman bent down placing a soft kiss on her forehead, she smiled in her sleep. 

i walked up the stairs carefull not to wake her, i placed her gently in her crib and smiled at her. "good night angel." i kissed her forehead and walked away quietly. i made it back down stairs where roman was stripping his clothes off. i walked up behind him running my hands up his back and then down his chest, he took a deep breath taking his hand and running it up my arms. 

"i guess itll be fine if you stay up a little bit longer." he said turning me around and pulling my shirt over my head. he slid his hands down my side and stopped at my stomach. he bent down kissing my belly in all different places. he slid my panties down and started tracing circles in my inner thigh with his thumb.

he stood back up grabbing me and lifting me up, his lips connected with mine as we fought for dominence. he pulled back looking into my eyes before smashing his lips back onto mine. i felt the wall on my back as he used it for stability. he slid his boxers down and pushed inside of me.


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