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I stood inside the bathroom. Holding the positive pregnancy test in my left hand. Tears cascading down my face. My heart thumped loudly causing me to shatter. I threw the test away and walked outside to see roman waiting patentialy.. "soo?" I looked down touching my belly. I felt the tears poor out again. I felt his arms wrap around me. "Everything will be OK.." I looked up at him. His eyes darkening. "What will we do.."

He looked down, his eyes softening.. "we will do this together.." he kissed the top of my head. Tyler came running in. Giggles erupted the room. "Mommy.. daddy. Sissy shhh!" He quickly hid behind us. "BUBBA!!" letha came running inside the room a large smile planted on her face. "Tyler?" Roman looked at me and nodded looking back at our babies. "we have exciting news. "your getting a brother or sister!" Tyler and leetha looked at each other than back at us. "but... Youve been gone?" I smiled and looked at them. "were special tho. Its time and me and daddy tell you." Leetha and tyler climbed up on the bed next to roman. He pulled them into his lap and stretched his srms out around them. "You and your brother were born just a few months ago. When you reach the age of 10 you will start growing normaly." Leetha and tyler looked at each other. "we know mommy." I looked at them confused. "were special." I smiled and kneeled in front of my babies. Nadia squilled from behind roman. "cone here baby." I picked her up and kissed her forehead. "mommy missed you to."


"by the looks of it your about 1t weeks right now. Would you like to know then gender?" I looked uo at roman for support. He gave my hand a small little squeeze. "well mmMr. And Mrs. Godfrey. You are having another boy. congratulations." He smiled at us and turned the monitor off. "now i will need you to come back in about 4 weeks and we'll do this again." He shock our hand and walked out the door. "so what will we do now?" I asked roman while attenpting to remove the smelly jell on my stomach. "this child may have been made out of hate but he is innocent. He didnt ask to be made. Who are we to play god?" I zipped my pants up and sat up. "what about adoption?" Roman suggested. "not just to anybody." Finally it clicked. "What if we ask your mom?" He looked up. "i was thinking destiny but now that youve said it my mom seems a better candidate." I thought for a second. Could we really trust a kaniving whore like her with a child who has powerful blood in his veins? It seems like we would be barking up the wrong tree. "lets just keep thinking."

Me and roman walked out of the hospital hand in hand. "someones been dying to see you." He let let of my hand and pointed in front of me. I followed his direction and saw peter standing on the side of the road looking at me. i took off running and flew into his arms. "dont ever leave our side again. Roman has been so irritating." I let a few tears escape. "You dont know how homesick ive been." We let lose of each other and roman was by my side again.

"oh and also your brother got locked up." Peter closed his eyes and looked up. "he got busted on trying to move some stollen steroes." I tilted my head back and cursed under my breath.

"god damn gypsy."


i picked the black phone up. It reminded me of an okd 6o's phone. I looked up and saw my idiot brother smiling goify at me. "i didnt do it." He kept saying iver and over. "look. Mikey told me if i could move all of these from point a to point b he would give me t g's. So i thought aye why the hell not. So i ge-"

"Bengy just shut the fuck up. I have been through hell, ive lost all grip of reality and im pregnant again. Will you nust stop explaing for one srcond and let me process this. Please."

i took a deep breath in and my brother started laughing. "ive missed you so much naddy. Life has been so shity without you. If this stupid window wasnt here id hug the shit out of you." I put my hand to the window and sighed. Suddenly a police officer walked up. "bennamin kently?" The popo stoid there waiting for bens reply. "yes?" He looked up at them slowly. "we had a roman godfrey come in and pay for bail. Your free to go when ever." Ben sat there for a second processing things. It finally clicked and he stoid up. "get me my shit and lets go." He slamed thst phone done and stokd up. He threw both his thumbs up and practicly ran away. I collected my belongings and pulled my phone out. I clicked number 1, which of course was romans direct line, "did you see ben yet?" He chuckled over the phone and i heard my kids swuill in the back ground. "we'll be home shortly." I hung the phone up and sent him a text.

Me: your the best. Love you.

I put my phone in my purse and walked out. I met my brother at the front gate and we stood there looking at each other. "are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna hug me!?" Tyler grabbed my body and yanked me into his arms. "careful. Baby on bosrd. Tgats right" tyler quickly let lose and looked at me. "have you told roman?" I stokd there and looked into his eyes. "well?" I took a deep breath and looked up. "its not his ben." I sighed and looked down. "thst bastard.. How co.. Wh.. Im so sorry naddy.." He broke out into fits of tears and pulled me bsck into his arms. "im soory i couldnt help you..." I rubbed his back and kissed the side of his head.

"everything will be alright ben." I looked down at my sobbing brother. "everythings fine."

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