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I walked into the lobby, it smelt like pure hospital and I couldn't stand it. I walked through the front door, the cold autumn wind hit my bare arms. I shivered and held my head high as I walked down the road. a small little town came into view, it was more alive today than last night when everyone was in bed. eyes snapped to me, trying to identify who this new person was in their town. I smiled politely at them as I made my way towards the town cafe. I walked inside and the smell of fresh coffee hit my nose.

I smiled as I approached the counter, a woman maybe in her twenties with long curly brown hair and deep chocolate eyes stood at the register. I lifted my nose smelling her. gypsy. I should have known. "welcome. you have to be new around here. never seen ya before." I nodded at her, "yeah. just came in last night around 10ish. im nadeline, people call me nads." the girl smiled at me, "destiny. so what can i get for you today?" my eyes found there way to the menu. "ill just go with a mocha grande." she smiled, I pulled my wallet out bringing a 5 out when I felt a hand on top of mine, I turned my head and saw Roman, "I'll get it."

I smiled at him, "well thanks." I slid my wallet back into my back pocket, destiny looked up, her smile falling as she met Romans eyes. "roman." she blandly spit. "ill take the same." he said to her, she nodded. "it'll be 10 even." he held his card out for her to take.

we made our way to the table closest to us. "judging by her voice she doesn't like you does she?" Roman shook his head, "our families have issues with each other." I smiled, lifting my nose in the air again, he must be upir, I've smelt in since I have been around him. I wonder if he knows. the door chimed and the strong stench of a were hit my nose, my eyes snapped around and I saw a man standing by the door, brown hair. 

his eyes met mine for a moment and then they traveled to roman. his eyes flashed hatred and anger towards him. "whos that?" I asked turning back to roman who was already staring him down. "that's peter. I wouldn't get around him. hes nothing but a gypsy that runs when something goes wrong." I nodded my head not wanting to bring any past feelings up but judging how the tension in the cafe they had some major shit.

romans phone began ringing from his pocket. "excuse me." he stood up bringing it out and walking outside. I sat there and stared out the window at the sky, I  smelt peters scent sit in front of me. "I know you know what I am, just like I know what you are." I smiled as excitement took over me. 

"I've never met anyone else like me." I said with excited eyes. "well there are about 5 others of us, we have a pack here." I smiled taking a sip of my coffee. "id like to meet your alpha." Peter smiled writing down something on my napkin. "my number. and for the warning about Roman, he can be a mess." I nodded as he stood back up and left. roman came back in seconds later, "I'm sorry but im needed over at the tower." I stood up, "you mind if  I walk with you, im actually heading back there too." Roman thought for a second then nodded.

the walk to the Godfrey tower was short, and quiet. "hey roman. can I ask you something?" his head snapped around and looked at me, "shot." I nodded trying to get my words in order, "Do you know your upir?" he stopped walking and looked me in the eyes, fear running through his eyes. "how'd you find out?" I smiled biting my lip, "I could smell it on you when I first met you." he nodded and began walking again. 

"don't tell anymore, or ill kill you." I chuckled. "sure." I saw him smirk from the corner my eyes.

we walked through the front doors as doctor Pryce approached us, a large grin on his face. "ah, roman I see you've met nadeline." Roman nodded at him, "well if you don't mind, nadeline. I have to talk to Mr. Godfrey for a second." Mr. Godfrey? roman stepped forward. thats Roman Godfrey, holy shit. Roman got halfway before turning around and jogging back to me, "I'll come find you after?" he didn't make it sound like a question, more of a statement. I nodded my head as he turned back around and joined Pryce's side. 

the apartment was silent when I walked in, "mom?" I heard her chuckle from in the bedroom. I walked in the door and saw her sitting on the bed looking at the wall. "there's a giant lizard here." she chuckled again and laid down. "nadeline, there is a giant lizard here." I nodded my head and sat beside her. "alright mom, you should get some rest yeah?" she nodded her head, I pulled the covers back as she crawled under them.

I walked back into the living room and sat down on the couch, tears threatened to spill but I wouldn't allow it. the scent of roman hit my nose as the loud thump at the door began. I jumped up and walked over to the door swinging it open to see Roman on the other side staring at me.

"nadeline." he nodded his head, his eyes dropping down my body, he was checking me out right to my face. I chuckled and opened the door more inviting him in. "I was actually wanting to show you something." I nodded and slid some shoes on making my way out the door and following close behind Roman. 

we walked all the way down the hall to the stair case. "oh god. roman we are on the 50th floor, why the hell are we going to walk?" he chuckled as I stopped dead in my tracks. "we're not going down, were going up." I smiled and began following him again.

once up the stairs Roman was the one huffing and puffing, I was were, I enjoyed it. finaly Roman unlocked the door and we walked out, a gust of wind hit me as I stepped back, bumping into Romans chest. "sorry." I felt my cheeks redden.

he walked out more, towards the railing. when he made it he held his hand out for me. i smiled and took it walking towards the edge. it was beautiful. you could see for miles and miles. "it's so beautiful roman." I saw a little church in the wood line, the small town of hemlock grove, and woods. woods for miles. I turned my head to see Roman was watching me, adoration coursing through his eyes.

I leaned in, standing on my tippy toes and pressed my lips against his. he replied by raising a hand to my face and cupping it. I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck, his other hand moving to my hip and pulling me closer. we broke the kiss as he leaned his forehead against mine. sparks shot through my body. 

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