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I woke up to an arm dangling over my side. I smiled as I turned to see Romans beautiful face sleeping soundly. I turned on my back, looking down I realized my stomach had grown 2x the size during the night. I gasped, which made Roman wake up. "whats wrong." I grabbed his hand and put it on my belly, which looked like a friggin basketball. his eyes shot open as he leaned up. 

"How?" he looked at me with confusion on his face. I shrugged my shoulders and smiled. "maybe it's time to go to the doctors?" he chuckled and shock my head. "maybe it is." I got out of bed and walked over to the standing mirror. I was huge, to say the least. 

Roman called doctor Pryce and scheduled an appointment. I couldn't go to the regular doctor cause this was a different kind of baby. as we pulled into the parking lot I felt a lot of emotions come to play, this was the last place I saw my mom alive. I felt Roman grab my hand. "you ready?" I smiled and nodded my head, I was excited.

doctor Pryce met us in the lobby as he showed us where to go. roman already knew but Pryce thought it'd be best if he tagged along. when we arrived I was seated in a chair next to the ultra sound. pryce sat down as Roman pulled a chair up. "normal precautions."

pryce grabbed the edge of my shirt and lifted it up examining my stomach, "it seems your birth is accelerating. at an alarming rate too." he took out the gel and squeezed some on my stomach. the door opened and Olivia walked in. "mother, what are you doing here?" she smiled and looked at us, "alright one second please." Pryce said flicking the machine on and grabbing the tool. 

he stuck it on my belly and began moving around, "you think I wouldn't know if my son and his, baby's mother, came here? this is my grand child, ill be here if I want." roman scoffed and turned his attention to me. "alright here we go. oh?" pryces face dropped, I looked at roman, "whats going on doc." he snapped out of his trance and looked at us, a large smile now sat on his face.

"Mr. Godfrey, id like you to meet your son." he flipped the monitor around, "and your daughter." he moved the tool around and another child came into view. I heard Olivia gasp, I looked down at Roman as his face held nothing but a large toothy grin. "there's two." Pryce nodded his head, "a healthy boy and girl, judging by the looks you are just over 3 months. the reason due to you having a large stomach is, in fact, two babies." he took a few photos and printed them out, "make some for me would you darling?" Olivia said from behind Roman. 

"I do hope you let me be in these two lives," Olivia said, she grabbed the extras and turned around walking out the door. 


Peter and Ben sat on the couch in front of me, I held the pictures tightly in my hands. "ok. you both ready?" they sat there smiling waiting for me to hand them the pictures. I placed a picture of each in their hand. "it's a girl," "it's a boy!" Peter and Ben shouted at the same time, they looked at each other and exchanged looks, "mine says boy," Ben said holding the picture up for Peter to see, "well mine says, girl!" Peter said while holding his up, they both looked at each other then back at us, "twins!?" they both said at the same time.

I nodded as they stood up attacking me in a hug, "ok good, didn't wanna point out how fat you've got." ben said chuckling. I hit his arm as he flinched and started laughing harder. a sudden knock at the door shut us all up, "who could that be?" I asked looking at Roman, he shrugged and stood to make his way to the door, it was raining pretty hard out, who would be out this late?"

I lifted my nose sniffing the air, nothing. it was too wet, who ever it was their scent was un recognizable. I stood up and walked behind roman, a blonde woman stood in the door way, blood gushing from her head, her eyes found mine. "oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you. I just had an accident and my car is totaled, I need to call a tow truck." I smiled at the woman, "Roman let the poor girl in, she's hurt. and besides, one of our friends drives a tow truck." I said while I walked into the closet and brung out a towel for her.

I turned and looked at roman who was eyeing the stranger close. "give you de ja vu?" i asked winking at him, referring to the first night we met. I walked her in the living room and sat her down. "Peter, this is..." I trailed off waiting for her to answer, "Miranda, my names Miranda." I smiled and nodded. "and this is my brother Ben. im nadeline." she smiled, I walked into the kitchen grabbing the first aid. I came back to her and Peter talking.

"I'll have to go back to the shop and bring my tow truck back." Peter said sitting next to her, I joined her other side and took out some gauzes and some disinfectant. "this may hurt some." she nodded as I began to spray it, she only flinched a few times. "alright, all patched up." i said with a hand on her knee, she smiled at me and thanked me. "do you know of a motel around? something cheap." I smiled and shook my head. "you can stay here, your pretty banged up, id like to keep an eye on you in case you have a concussion." she smiled and nodded her head.

"thank you." 


later that night me and roman laid in bed unable to sleep, the babies were kicking me and Roman didn't wanna miss a single one. "hey, what you did tonight. that was nice of you." Roman said looking up at me. "thanks." he smiled and looked back down at my belly. "can I tell you something without you freaking out?" I looked down into his eyes and nodded. he took a deep breath and exhaled.

"nadeline, I think im in love with you."

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