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I woke up around 4 that morning to Romans beautiful eyes looking into mine, we were now laying in his bed. im not sure if it was the silhouette of the moon's reflection on his face or the way his hands sent shivers all down my body but something was pulling me into him, and I did just that. his heart beat began to speed up as my hands danced around his body trying to remember every detail, every creek, crevice, every dip.

I felt him shudder under my touch, he returned the favor by moving his hand into my inner thigh and cupping it. I gasped as his other hand found its way behind me and he was now hovering above me. "roman." his eyes darkened as he crashed his lips onto mine, I returned the favor by wrapping my legs around his waist and pulling him closer. he deepened the kiss as we found over dominance. he broke the kiss flinging his shirt over his head and tossing it aside, I laid there taking him in and dragging my finger tips down his chest. his eyes rolled back into his head.

"I want you so bad," he said while leaning back down and trailing kisses from my earlobe to my neck, in one swift movement roman had my shirt in his hands slinging it across the room. my hands fell to the button in his jeans, I began to undo it and slid them down. I took him in my hands gasping about how big he was. his hands moved down lower as I felt his finger tip touch my core.


my eyes opened to nothing but pitch black. "hello?" I called out but no one replied. I heard a soft giggle behind me and turned around. I came face to face with a beautiful woman, her long blonde hair covered half her face but I could still see how beautiful her blue eyes were, it was a familiar blue. "who are you?" she smiled and stepped closer taking my hands in hers, "that's not important right now." she looked down at my belly. "they are." she placed her hand over my belly as I felt a sharp pain hit me.

I jerked out of bed and held my stomach tightly, the pain was there. what did she mean when she said they are? I sighed and looked at the clock, I was only asleep for 2 hours. roman laid beside me still asleep, I smiled and stood up walking out his bedroom door. I found myself walking into the kitchen and starting a pot of coffee.

the old woman walked into the kitchen holding a baby bottle. "if you're about to feed her ill do it for you. you should get some sleep." the old woman looked at me hesitantly. "Roman won't care." she shrugged and held the bottle out for me to take. I smiled and walked up the stairs, I keyed in the code and opened Nadia's door. her squill filled my ears making me smile.

"whos hungry?" I picked her up as she grabbed the bottle already knowing what to do. I sat down in the rocker and began rocking her. she was so beautiful and I couldn't help it when I held her up and kissed her forehead. after she sucked all the milk out her eyes began to close, I stood up making my way back to her crib and laid her down, I stood there for a few minutes just looking at her with admiration.

I felt arms wrap around my waist and pull me into a hard chest, Roman. I turned my head to see roman looking down at Nadia. "you made this." I said while placing my hand on his cheek and looking back at Nadia. "Peters here. should we tell him? after all, he was in love with her mom." I nodded my head. "who was her mom anyway?" his eyes sunk, "my cousin, well, sister." I looked at him with disbelieve. "long story, my mom compelled me into getting her pregnant. I don't remember doing it." his eyes flashed pain. 

"Letha died giving birth. after she died my mom convinced Pryce to order a fake death certificate. so technically this little girl doesn't exist." he sighed and picked her up. her eyes shot open and looked at Roman. "time to tell Peter." 

we exited the room, Peter stood at the bottom of the stairs, as soon as his head turned his eyes turned towards Nadia. he could not take his eyes off her. "is that.." Peters' eyes began filling with tears as Roman neared him. roman out stretched his arms and held Nadia to Peter. "she looks just like her." Nadia stirred around and giggled at Peter. 

"spitting image." he kissed her forehead as Nadia let a small giggle out. "whats her name?" Peter asked looking to Roman, "Nadia." Peters' eyes showed many emotions, love, happiness, joy, admiration, adoration, everything. after peter had some time with Nadia we all sat down for dinner, Roman kept looking over at me smiling every once in a while. I think Peter eventually caught on and stood up walking outside.

"I'm gonna go make sure he's alright." I stood up kissing nadias head and planting on on Romans as well. it just felt so right. I walked outside seeing Peter taking tokes off his cigarette. "whats up." he looked over at me and smiled. "whats going on between you and Roman?" he asked taking a drag. I shrugged, "I don't know." he nodded tossing the butt on the ground. "first, my mom gets sent to prison so im stuck in this dump, secondly my cousin is head over heels for a gypsy psycho freak, and now the girl who I thought I could love is sleeping with my best friend."

the last part took a swing at my heart, Peter had feelings for him and I just broke his heart. "it's just, you're like me. you know how I feel. but I understand, the heart wants who it wants." he took a deep breath and stood to his feet. "I'm gonna go, tell Roman ill talk to him tomorrow." I nodded as he walked off disappearing into the woods.

I walked back inside seeing roman descending the stairs, "nadias out. whered Peter go?" I sighed, "he left, I guess he knew about us and dint like it." Roman shook his head. "first Letha now you." I shrugged not knowing what to say. I let out a small yawn. "someones tired." he walked to my side and picked me up bridal style and carrying me into his room, he laid me down gently and kissed my forehead, "get some sleep." I nodded my head feeling my eyes grow heavy.


A gust of wind hit my bare shoulders, looking down I saw that I was butt naked standing in the middle of a field. I turned around looking for anything to tell me where I was. nothing. then I saw her, the same blonde haired woman. I took a step closer feeling a sting in my stomach, I looked down to see my stomach, I was 8 months pregnant. "what the.." the woman came closer to me and smiled. "it's precious. a gift from God." she chuckled and placed both her hands on me, "his blood runs through your veins now." I looked into her eyes, "who are you?" she smiled, "I'm letha." my eyes widened as I realized who this was. "kiss Nadia for me." she smiled at me once more before turning around and walking away, I took a few steps to try and catch up to her but I felt a sharp pain hit me, I doubled over and soon I was holding two babies in my arms, one boy one girl.


I sat up in the bed feeling my stomach, seconds later I was jolting to the bathroom emptying the contents of my stomach into the toilet. roman ran to my side rubbing my back. "nadeline, whats wrong?" he asked while rubbing shapes into my back. I cried out as more puke came up. "here." after I was done puking roman handed me a glass of water, "thank you." I rose to my feet feeling a bit dizzy, Roman grabbed my arms trying to keep me stable. "I don't feel so good."

my feet became numb as my head couldn't stop spinning, the last thing I remember was Roman picking me up and saying something I couldn't make out. my eyes closed as I saw nothing but darkness.

"Next. next. next. next. next. next." I heard a sinister voice said in my head. "next.next. next." his voice continued in my head. when i came to the light blinded me, i adjusted my eyes and looked aorund, an i.v stuck out of my arm. roman sat beside me, his hand in mine. peter sat a few feet away asleep soundly. i moved around a bit which caused roman to wake up.

"nadeline." he stood up and engulfed me in a hug. he leaned back and smiled, "the doctors had some surprising information to share." i looked at him confused. "the cause of you passing out was because the baby you carry was taking all your nutrients, leaving you weak." my eyes widened as he said the word baby. "what?" he nodded his head. i smiled and looked down at my belly. roman bent down and kissed it.

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