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Romans POV..

Me and peter sat side by side.. thinking of possible threats.. except for mirand.. but then again.. I'm roman Godfrey.. everyone hates me.. of course I have enemy's. .

I let out a frustrated sigh. "This is no use. Why are we here when we could be looking for her!" I stand up kicking what ever is close causing a picture frame to fall. I look down seeing letha, Tyler, Nadia and nadilene smiling.. I fell a bit of sadness take over..

"We have to.." I drop to the ground and grab the picture holding it against my heart. "We will roman.. we will.."

Nadilene's POV

I sat in the bed.. my knees brought up to my chest.. fresh tears stained my face. He had left.. that bastard raped me.. and left leaving me bare and cold. I felt my heart shatter at the thought of my kids and roman..

Roman.. I miss him much.. I miss the way he cared for not just his kids.. but me.. I heard the clasp of the door open. A small girl who looked of the age of 10 walked in holding clothes. She smiled at me and placed the clothes down.

"I'm sorry he does this.. my dad can get a bit.. carried away.. are you hungry?" I wipped the tears away. "I have children.. they need me.." her smiled fadded. "The doors open.. he's asleep.." I got up from the bed and grabbed the clothes.. or should I say dress.. I pulled it over me. "Thank you.." I smiled at her and walked out of the door.. wandering down the hall I opened the door. The fresh air hit me.. I closed my eyes and smiled taking a deep breath.


I stood at the house door.. I grabbed the knob and slid it open.. walking in I saw the place a mess.. I walked up the stairs.. I opened me and romans room. Walking in and running my fingers along the bed sheets.. how I missed sleeping with him..

I pulled the dress off and put on one of his shirts. I inhaled his scent.. suddenly the front door slammed open causing me to jump in fear.. he new.. he new I left.. I crawled under the bed and closed my eyes.. that's when I heard his voice. "Who ever is in here.. come out now.." I smiled as he spoke.. oh how I missed his voice.. I crawled out seeing a shocked expression on his face. He crossed the room and held me in his arms. "Your home.."

He pulled back and looked at me with tears running down his face. He cupped my face and smiled. "Thank god.. are you ok? Did he hurt you?" I felt my heart brake once again.. his gaze tearing into me like a knife. I had to.. I had to tell him..

"He r-raped me.." I fell to the ground and cried. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his lap. He kissed the top of my head. "I'm here baby.." I curled up and continued to cry. After about an hour of crying we stood up. "Get a shower love. And I'll cook you a nice breakfast. " I smoked and nodded. He kissed my forehead. I pulled his shirt off and climbed into the shower.. washing the dirt off me I climbed out putting on his shirt and a pair of blue jeans. I walked down the stairs smelling bacon and pancakes. I smiled and saw roman standing with an apron on. I entered the kitchen and sat.. "roman we need to talk.." he turned around and looked at me. "About what love?" I looked down feeling a bit of shame.. "what happened when i was away.. what he did.." roman chuckled. "We don't have to." I crossed my arms.

"Yeah? And what happens if I'm pregnant by that monster!" I threw my hands in the air and rolled my eyes. "Then.. you could get an abortion or something." He shurgged and looked back down at the eggs. "So that's it." He looked back up smiled and then nodded. "Pretty much." I rolled my eyes and got up. "Where are you going?"

Roman asked from the kitchen. "MY CHILDREN!" I grabbed my car keys and got in. Pulling into romans uncles drive way leetha ran out with her arms in the air.

I got out grabbing my beautiful daughter. "Hey baby." She wrapped her arms around my neck and giggled. "We missed you." I closed my eyes and smiled. "I've missed my baby's to!" I smiled as Romans uncle I think his name was henry.. or harry.. or something.. walked out with Nadia. "Hello." He smiles and held her out. I grabbed her in my arms. "I've missed you.." she giggled.. "thank you.." I said while grabbing the bags from him. We got back in the car.. heading down the road I smiled back at my baby's.

Everything right now.. was perfectly placed. The way my babies slept quietly. The way letha and Tyler held hands.. it was perfect. I loved my babies..

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