The first religious profession.

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Krystal Pov.

The Christmas and New Year festivities passed quickly, the convent was full of tasks, and Mother together with her delegates always gathered in her office to decide the changes for that new year, how the future sisters of the institute would be divided and where Each one would be transferred, I already knew where I would go and would be responsible for the postulants and Sister Sulli and Sister Riley would live with me and together we would go to a new community that was a few miles from the convent, I kept wondering if it would be a good idea to live together Of Amber and I would practically be the teacher of her postulant, I did not understand why Mother Maria Kim had given me this job and this sometimes got me out of my sleep, the day of the first religious profession was already next, it was two days from now, and I became more nervous , The mother always met us to talk and see how we were, I was much better since the scare I gave the sisters, sometimes I felt severe pain in the spine, but I did not comment with anyone not to worry, sometimes meetings between Novices and the mother was too long, we would say prayers about projects about the school in the poor neighborhood where we were going to stay, and Mother Superior told me something new that surprised me.

-My daughter now that we're both alone here, I need to inform you of a decision I made, and I want you to know first.

I looked at the mother with her little ones lying on the nose that was looking at me seriously.

-Yes, Mother Superior, you can tell me.

-You know girl Alice has a special affection for you and the postulant Amber.

-Yes, mother, what about her?

-At Christmas the little girl came up to me and made a very special request and I could not deny it.

-What mother request?- I asked worriedly.

-She asked me to let her live with you and Amber in the new house she does not want to separate from you two.

The mother finished talking to me, almost laughing at Alice's whim.

-Did you want to know what you think?

I looked at her and gave a long smile I loved that girl since when a baby arrived, and when she saw Amber the two also built a great friendship.

-If you're all right, who am I to prevent Mother Superior, I love that girl.

-So it's decided Alice is going to live with you, and you do not yet know what she asked, such childlike innocence.

-What Mother Superior?

-She said she wants to be a nun and was going to help you with the housework.

The mother and I laughed together with the sweet words of Alice, surely it was going to be a joy to have her in our house.

After that night in the abandoned old temple, I had seen Amber only a couple of times because before we had the final vows, we had a desert week with Mother Superior, so I had not seen her any more, That the postulants would make the official entry into the order with the novices receiving the cord and the beige veil from the hands of Mother Maria Kim as postulants for a year, the rules of the order had made some changes before the postulants stayed two years preparing for the novitiate , As happened to me now would only be a year with these changes I would be mistress of postulant of Amber and two new postulants.

I was not sure what that new life was waiting for me, what it would be like to live with Amber, now being a teacher of her postulant, I really did not know what to think and to make matters worse we would have to live with Riley.

Amber Pov

I felt my heart afflicted, after the last night I had with Krystal I only saw her a couple of times, and there was a rush in the convent, the sisters always talking about the definitive vows of the novices preparing for the big day, and I also learned of my entry In order and how it would be, the mother met me and the 3 postulants and told us about the changes and how the entry into the order would be.

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